SkinnyMinny vs stryker20 and his friends.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SkinnyMinny, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. well pup as max damages told you already quit trying to act as if your part of the mafia when he sayd really your a nerd . i dont need say no more .max described you perfectly
  2. I don't recall him saying that. Even if he did, I could think of better insults when I was 12.

    Besides that, I wasn't aware farming people on a KaW made me think I was in the Mafia...

    Nerd? Haha that just shows how little you know of me 
  3. Ashes you forgot

    team wolfie :p
  4. team prestigious
  5. Team Red cause red is god.
  6. I'll join team roni, she's clearly got everything figured out
  7. Can I get those shirts in periwinkle?

    Roni deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out.

    You just made a couple fool of yourself.

    And I enjoyed every moment.
  8. I thought only juicy stuff like this happened on pimd
  9. Here they are.. Limited edition!!! Get it while they're hawt!




  11. Ok look:

    First, unicorn...
    This clown has no standing in all this. Talking trash and being all righteous.
    He admitted to giving women a value close to zero. No shame. He stated so. And i called him out for it. But when it comes to "his group" hes a freaking crying baby. He screams " my rights!" Left and right.
  12. Pup devil:
    This moron is all talk. He talks harcore alright. But thats it. He talks the talk but dont walk the walk. Just get used to him flapping his gums cuz he wont stop. He promised to farm me til reset. Where is he now? Back in the hole he calls his mommys basement
  13. hi salty did you see it earlyier in worldchat last rights badger/ biohazard called unicorn a chicken cause unicorn was too scared to hit him it was funny
  14. Inferno:
    Not much to say exept that he avoided answering to ronis claim that hes a CHEATER. Care to explain?
  15. Unicorn has never hit me. Hes just another drama queen. U sure no about that unicorn. Dont u?
  16. and bootsy say it as it is i flipt the script on all of you and made you look idiots . facts are it took how many about 8 to all at once try talk dumb to me and i still came up on top . thats something youll never have finnesse . the finishing move.
  17. Fluttersomething:
    Has avoided answering about his famous 1v1 that allegedly sent her to reset. Talks tough indeed. But if this claim is true, how dare u to even call other player out?
  18. We all know Inferno exploited a glitch. A lot of people did. But he wasn't reverted back to zero. What does that have to do with anything?
  19. What am saying is u all nothing short of cowards and imbeciles. U trying to gang up on a single individual. Where are ur balls and ur common sense? After all, if she did something, what is it to u? She's attacking u u say? Yeah, cuz ur all on her.