SkinnyMinny vs stryker20 and his friends.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SkinnyMinny, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Lol I read every page. Entertaining stuff. 
  2. I've never deleted or moved anything in photobucket if I did it would of been deleted first place

    You are just proving how much of a stalker you are you creep, should go back to your basement before the sun burns you.
  3. These are fun to read , congrats :)
  4. Wolfie's a stalker and not in a good way
  5. wolfie you wrote the 3 threads about me i went to read them . thats your fault the screenshots evapourated exposeing your name underneath .anybody on kaw would have seen it too .
  6. I'm confused. What do photobucket names have to do with anything
  7. Wolfie's photo bucket name is a chick
  8. Well answer it then roni 
  9. The plot thickens
  10. last october time wolfie like a stalker got obsessed with me he wrote 3 forum threads about me .shaun and shogun of aah told him no more its getting boring he would have did a 4th im sure if they didnt tell him to quit .he was into everything i do . and when i went to read them later to see if anything new had been added the screenshots had vanished and just the photobucket details showing
  11. You just confessed to stalking him on other sites. Invaded his privacy. Thanks Allison and Ronald. You just made my day absolutely fantastic.
  12. Line up and bend over, -Deadly-'s in the house.
  13. I say..welcome -deadly-
  14. its all on kaw . he did the threads about me i went to read them on kaw and the screenshots of his newsfeed that hed posted had vanished showing under neath.
    thats not stalking thats reading the threads he wrote about me . bootsy trying soo hard to slander me when cant be done . im know you upset i highlighted what a wannabe you are .
  15. Why don't yall just fight it out in eachothers nf. Like seriously, day after day yall ***** and complain about the same thing.
  16. panda from u.k
  17. Hahahahahaha you don't know me
  18. Oooo oooo roni do me do me what's my info since you're all about exploiting
  19. Go on Roni. You're an expert at this.
    Revealed my alt, BadRobot 
    Oh Jesus.