I've actually noticed a few things, about ebs after updating. My bar turns grey and seems to take longer to unload, I fail attacks I would NEVER fail before, and my damage has been nerfed
I sometimes fail last hit on fod now even thou I upgraded recently. Never happened before update. Equip been the same for last 3 months atleast.
My Attacks do more damage then my assn and I'm hansel, however in FOD my assn does more damage then my attack but I seem to be loosing Attacks now were as before I wasn't loosing only when I hit ebs "New growth higher" it is very weird op hopefully it will be fixed soon Oc3an
That's why I don't update till about a week or more after it's released. Bugs can occur and mess around with people.
Unfortunately I have not got that option as I'm PC based Thanks to all who have taken the time to read and input your thoughts here I hope the Dev's have been monitoring this thread and will react accordingly If not you could always use the feed back button to express your concerns Happy KaWing
I haven't noticed it on eb's but I have noticed I fail a lot on smaller accounts with attacks. But on larger accounts I win more.
@ pank. I'm guessing its b/c your eq is pretty bad. I'd suggest trying to find a Tt them tgl then do some ee wars, not necessarily in that order.