Global warming is not caused by humans we r in a trend between ice ages in which the earth warms and global weather patterns change , however humans may have had an effect on how much the earth experiences these changes.
And yet you're the one who followed me here and keep posting about me. That's the meaning of the big word you didn't understand. :lol:
Priest, people who are considered "butthurt" are usually those who have been shown to be wrong, but still argue the point, often including repetition of ad hominem attacks avoiding the issues. Dragon is well reasoned and supports his/her positions. On the other hand, you fit the description exactly.
That's the meaning of butthurt? You're the expert.... Did 97% of scientists agree that's the definition? Or that you're just butthurt and really trying hard to get the last word. It's so funny.
If we scroll back a few pages from your attempts to avoid the issues, we find we are still waiting on you to back up any of your positions Priest. By the way, who is it that has to have the last word? Who here has been posting without any content? By all means, have the last word, Priest. Just don't forget to post an emoji so we all can see you are laughing instead of angrily typing.
Excuse me. I see your alt is serious. So let's be serious. I've nothing to do with this thread or thoughts on it. I merely followed the ego here because it was challenging to miss it reiterating the same old thing over and over then adding petty insults to the end. Wasn't that your definition of butthurt? And it's fun to tease you over and over. Now. As I was saying, it's cute the amount of butthurt spread to more than one of you! Use a nickel word again, it'll make you feel right (gratuitous emoji for you)
Republicans are always pointing the finger at everyone else for their problems..they want to cut federal aid for medical programs and food programs yet the top 10 states who recieve this aid are heavily controlled by republicans...they preach family values yet republican bible belt states are the heaviest consumers of x rated materials...they are always wanting war and the death penalty yet are anti abortion...republicans are the biggest hypocrits out there
I say everyone's right should stop using electricity,stop driving cars,and everything else that causes pollution then we all be happy!!!!!! Let's all go hug some trees!!! Hehe NOT!!
One day, when you grow up some. You will get a woman. If you are lucky you will marry her. When that happens she is going to want a house. A house with a yard. A yard that needs decorated. With trees. She will make you hug that tree.
Hope I don't end up with a hippy rather be single haha. If my wife ever said hug tree I'd show her the door haha.
Thank you for admitting you are doing nothing but mindless trolling. That was pretty much my point. Just as a thought, you accused me of being an alt, then proceeded to address me in a different tone as if accepting that I was a different player. Do you realize how you completely undercut your own assertion? Do you understand how debate works - even in a 9+ game forum? I guess this is why you just follow people around calling them "butthurt."
Back on topic, are still dealing with science deniers? or are we discussing how the Republican leadership refuses to show any backbone when dealing with the science deniers due to their complete subjugation by the oil companies?
That's cute. You both like to quote and address one part of a post. The thread, since you are unsure, is about the Republican Party denying the human effects on global warming. The senate (republican majority) has appointed a southern republican, who is one of the most vocally opposed people to the idea that mankind has made significant impact on the idea of "global warming", to the head of the environment committee. This is the second time he has held that seat. The seat was short term held by a Democrat who was just released from that role. Which led the Op to make this thread as he is obviously perplexed and against this move. Anything else I can do to help you understand this?
Climate is cyclical and always changing. I have no problem with phasing out fossil fuels , recycling ,etc. However humans havent been keeping accurate records of weather for long enough , and climatology as a science isnt old enough or advanced enough to definitavely claim the current changes are or arent caused by humans.
12$ at a movie theater in a local town for large popcorn and large soda. You get "free refills" but I'd like to shake the hand of anyone who can drink a .44 ounce soda and eat a large popcorn before the end of a movie. Me and the girl I took out couldn't finish it, and we were sharing. Life lesson. Don't spend 12$ on a large soda, popcorn.