Silly Republicans

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by The-Raj, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Don't be ignorant Dragon. Shut up and go read. You haven't even looked just ran your fingers.

    I'm not a climate denier.
  2. We have a realistic solution. It's the same one we used for Acid Rain and the depletion of the Ozone layer. Lower the flipping emissions. And the reason we're arguing statics and data is because people don't think there IS a problem.
  3. I wouldn't get my information from here anyway. No one would.

    I could be mistaken but this thread contains no viable solutions to speak of.
  4. So you argue statics. Push political propaganda. The op heading. And then discredit and alienate anyone who disagrees.

    Tats you man.

    Instead create a science thread.
  5. It's your position. You post it.
  6. And who is we Dragon? You haven't done anything or have anything. Keep it real. If you are part of a we. I'm sure we would like to know which organizations you represent.
  7. Um, "We" in this case would be humanity. The same "we" you referred to when you said "we don't have a realistic solution for". Or were you referring to an organization you represent?
  8. Actually, had you even bothered to read the thread, you'd see that Don posted data that said volcanoes produce more carbon than human activities do. I then posted data, with sources, that showed they don't. I'm not arguing statics. I'm refuting them. It's not "political propaganda" it's the results of investigation by the scientific community. And I can't really discredit you because you haven't really posted any data. You've only posted your opinion about some kind of conspiracy.
  9. A science thread would be more inclusive and less confrontational. Maybe try to leave the politics out of it.

    This route just alienates 50% of the population. It's immature at best.

    Good luck. I would love to read from young science geeks. This is a turn off.
  10. Politics is a part of the issue because one party in America disagrees we have a problem and refuses to take any steps to solve the problem. And it's not just America. Politics is a part of life. Get used to it.

    And it's doubtful a science thread would be less confrontational because the issue is polarizing like many issues are. Start a thread on evolution and see what happens.
  11. The truth is; Republicans are silly.
  12. Is that another Raj alt I spy?
  13. Whats an alt?
  14. @ Xx_BD-Gentry11B_xX

    If you'd like to continue the debate here, I'm more than willing to. If not, quit yammering on the other about how you "let" me get the last word in. You didn't let me do anything. You weren't able to refute the position.
  15. Glad to see this hasn't deteriorated into a taco RP seasoning festival..
  16. I think I'd prefer a taco RP seasoning festival to this in winnable crapshoot of a "debate".
  17. Butthurt last word here too!! 
    Let it go Black Diva...errr... dragon. Forums tired of it already.
  18. Support. Move on.
  19. What exactly am I supposed to be butt hurt about?

    Proving Gentry wrong? Posting again after he makes another argument then lamely claims he'll let me have the last word? Was that supposed to stop me from posting? Why? Because if I post it will somehow prove him right? How?

    And If you're tired of it, don't read it. It's that simple.

  20.  last word again. 
    The butthurt is strong with this one.

    I can literally keep doing this. Lol. You just keep going. Makes it so easy. Little Diva. Now it looks like a pouty fit. Mean priest touched me in a bad place  