Silenced for Μξя€$ £ΛИDïИG

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CH0C0LaeTE, Aug 22, 2012.

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  1. Re: Silenced for being (Adj. begins with P meaning decked out)

    Crazy n a bit much. Thx for helping when we need it mercs
  2. Re: Silenced for being (Adj. begins with P meaning decked out)

    Sky seriously?
  3. Our clan motto has always been "Mercs are P___." Pease note the use of the word as an Adjective and not meaning a sex dealer or person who slaps his ho's for money. Had we intended it to mean this, it would read "Mercs are p___s (plural)." This was the beginning of my rant on WC.

    We are (Adj. meaning fabulous & decked out) because we are! And ready to to spend our money to burn crystals at any level of failing epic battle.

    Ref: ... on-of/pimp

    Eg: "P____ My Ride"

    Just sayin ;)
  4. Papa. I warned lae the firs day.

    Plus if someone makes outrageous claims I'm gonna point out their lies
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