Name: Ella Narikio DarkFlower Age: 17 Race: ShapeShifter/Vampire (If You'd like a twist/or if available ) Gender: Female Bio: Has a dark past, but here: As a child, of 7 years, she was always quiet and kept to herself, she loved to hunt, and still does, at 8 years she asked her father to take her hunting, her mother disagreed and attacked my father, who ended up killing her then tried killing me, I ran away and was hunted down at 9, I was caught at 11 and received a branded tattoo, of an assassin mark and my right wrist meaning I was found, but a friend found and released me, luckily we got out before more damage, 12-14 I lived in the woods alone when my friend died of protecting me from a gang, at 15-16 I swore vengeance on the gang, and started to train in fighting, at 17 I now occasionally go to school. Her name is so called the one to make endings, E (lla) N (arikio) D (arkflower) Personality: Silent, to herself, always wears a black hoodie, always wears skinny jeans, has a small dagger and a set of bow n arrows in the woods I live in, When with long lost friends, she is still quiet, but is very protective and sometimes makes a joke, skilled in fights, known for fights while at school, Looks: Dark amber eyes that fade to orange at the bottom, long black hair with purple tips made of flower based dye, signifying strength and stealth, is about 5"7, but only 98 pounds from hunting, very skinny, tannish, Has a black flower with a strange design around it, Called "Assassin's Curse" or "Assassin's Mark" ~~If any changes must be made, please notify me by walling me!!~~ Thanks for consideration, Narikio