SicNoc Holiday Party

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by SicNocXxDr34dL0rdxX, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. I think i pop in to say hi
  2. It's still funny that fury didn't voice their opinion when we stripped the owner of their family clan or even when I told a majority of their council what I thought of them. We close the clans and they grow balls. Hehe I'm giggling right now.
  3. :lol: trust me I don't want to come to the party.

    What's with all of this post-pubescent and pre-pubescent comments? Did you just finish your first semester at college and got fixated on psyc 101?

    Instead of the generic moms basement and acne comments try this:

    "You are being petty for rubbing our failure in our faces."

    It's true I am being a bit petty but I butted heads with some of your leaders and I'm highly amused at the karma..

    So here try that one insult it's more relevant than the ones you are using kiddies.

    Oh and peanut if you want to speak like a psychologist try using proper grammar.. It's 'here to be an áss' not 'hear to be an ass'
  4. Yes congrats Meds you brought about the downfall of oG. Now look at you..

    You want us to beat a dead horse?

    You're an outcast
  5. Your love is like bad medicine
    Medicine is what I need
    Ohhhoohhhooh shake it up
    Just like bad medicine!

    I will be at SicNoc's holiday party ️

    That's what you get for fallin in love
  6. Filthylarry. The downfall of og started when fury cried for help fighting ig 1v1. That was sad. In case anyone's memory sucks I was one of the first ones over there helping to hit ig.

    I always fought for the clan or alliance I was in. You people could take a lesson from that lol. Sideline warriors.
  7. We cried for help?

    We asked for support but it seemed some sniveling little punks were very out spoken against us.

    This is an example of how you talked to other leaders at oG.

    You see there were a lot of things sicnoc leaders didn't tell their members. There was much lying coming from the top that it eventually led to your demise.

  8. I know what lies you made up about Fury to your members and other oG. But what reason did you give for the other half of oG not joining your war?

    Half of the oG clans didn't join the war because they saw it was manipulated by a kid running his clan on his daddy's credit card.

    None of the other leaders wanted to follow some teenager that spoke to other clan leaders with the arrogance I am showing in this SS

    I have a ton more SS.. Should I keep going?
  9. Yea my memory does suck because I remember you guys fighting some noob clan right before the wdgaf started.. I forget who it was but no way were you here helping us. In fact, you guys up and left iG fam before the civil war with out warning.

    Some of us considered going after you at the time because of how you left and took some of our members without saying anything.
  10. Despite all of the childish back and forth and the ape like drivel that is going back and forth, I will make an appearance to see the old family and say hi. I miss the randomness of the cc. Now for Larry who care about the past anymore? Most have moved on and forgotten about it or no longer care, I think its time to just be the( grown up) you are insinuating that you are and let the issue lie.
  11. I understand you are not intelligent but try to keep up. I am 100gZ. That was meds. Maybe me signing 100gz AT the end of my posts wasn't enough of a clue for you.

    My 100gz account was over hitting ig. Until the truth started to trickle out about why you guys were even fighting them.

    And yes there was a lot of crying asking for alliance help to war ig. Lots of it. You weren't in any room with leaders so I imagine you missed it.

    I see all of you turned into forum warriors though. Lurking around and insulting people who have accomplished feats in this game that you never will. Bums. Just bums. Gday grosslarry
  12. Generic_Machine this thread is about the past because it's a reunion duh
  13. More lies. No SS to back it up smh
  14. I really don't care whether you believe me or not lol. That ss shows meds frustration with a clan that's sitting outside of an osw their alliance is in. I assure you we didn't talk to anyone else in the alliance like that. We respected them. ;)

    I told all of your council what I thought of them a year ago. They had plenty of chance to handle it as they saw fit. We stripped the owner of easys retreat a year ago or more, the clan you were in. No one did **** about it. So good for you to find your balls a year after we closed the clans down. Lol #toughguy now please you are welcome to come have some fun at the reunion but for now, go find something to do
  15. Funny u find the need to insult me lol. Anyways enjoy your trolling dirty and I'll see the rest of you soon.
  16. You stripped him because I was clanless stripping your clan.

    Also did you mouth off to WAR or TFK? They didn't join your little OSW.

    We weren't gonna come after you and I was talked down by cooler heads. Unlike you were don't go after alliance clans.. But we did watch intently when you left oG but sadly you folded and we had no opportunity to go after you.

    And do you always talk in the 3rd person son?
  17. .

    Yes you guys did talk like that to quite a few in the alliance. And I was in all leaders rooms so I'm not sure what u're trying to prove here lol
  18. Sure Larry bring out all the ss. Just shows the real reason for the dissolution of the oG alliance: clans being allowed to sit out of an alliance war.

    Why should I have been diplomatic...weeks had passed, the time for diplomacy had ended.

    Truth is I must've hurt your feelings. But I'm just a d*** like that.
