SiCnIsS vs Last Rights OSW Thread Returns

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jul 23, 2013.

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  1. Thank you rain. Thank you for your quite educated post. Thank you for sharing your intelligence with us all. I truly appreciate it.
  2. I just love the way everyone over in og alliance spin it to benefit them that worked so well last time... Wait it didn't that's right I'm done here
  3. Good, because you make no sense. TaTa for now.
  4. Luck has nothing to do with it.

    Sicniss may have recruited old LR enemies and stacked/filled up 4 clans to try to gain an upper hand in the opening round - nice play - but it won't be enough and the war is still young

    So let's get back to business. Given the numbers disparity, inc is surprisingly low 
  5. Stacking our roster? -we had our members return here. Then later, a few black hand peeps joined our roster as we are now fighting same clan.

    Outnumbered?- you guys started hitting our sub. We had them not return fire for two days, you guys kept at it. Now we let them at it, which is better for us; more bars through strips.

    Planned?-never went past a PM between bad meds and whoever it was. If it was planned it would've been sooner that we hit you. We, as a clan, had no desire to pursue a war with LR, hence, why it didn't happen sooner.

    Remember belle, you farmed into SicnISS, not just owner. Every action, we as a clan have taken, has been a direct result of your and LR's actions.

    Lastly, Sarc left SicnISS to hit you. In doing so it removed him from our member list. Seems he forgot to change his banner. Your response of farming into SicnISS put you in our CA. Once war broke out, we brought sarc back in.

    We told LR to deal with Sarc and we'd deal with belle. That would've been the end of it. However, here we are. LR is dying, the  title is becoming more common amongst your ranks.

    MDK is the only one in news feed of main clan.
    We could easily release another clan on them that is considered "family," but we know that between your two clans that we have nothing to fear.

    Face the facts belle, be humble. It's okay to be wrong, I've made plenty of mistakes in my days, swallowing pride is hard to do. Save what is left of your clan before you guys make another mistake, bringing in more clans; past events give credibility to this.

    Happy KaWing to all
  6. * I meant prove, not proof*
    Just for all grammar nazis out there if there are some;) I know my grammar is not very well.
  7. Lol whatever that's all  but I should have expected that.

    I'll be in your feeds as usual. Maybe you could try mine too instead of thumping your chest without ever lifting a weight
  8. And this is the moment, where this thread begins to become as stupid as the one before...
  9. SUPPORT SICnISS  Posted with a main
    MDK tried to strip me and FAILED even tho they know my EXACT TZ.
  10. Belle are u asking why i wasnt interested in a one v one? After u already discussed your "empathy" for my rl issue in a former post? All of u knew there was a high possibility my activity would be limited. I voiced that before u ever approached with a one v one. In fact the challenge was rather petty at that time imo. But if u want to keep going with that have at it. As i said for over three hrs in that room Sicniss had no current plans to go after lr. Every ss u have shown has been out of context or old and related to other issues. Which we would have acted on back then. I have been wondering how Lr benefits from trying to twist this as a conspiracy. You have already admitted in pm that you were heavily drugged and screwed up and didnt send the ss or let me know what was going on. I asked u what u would like to do...if u were willing to quit hitting the three sicnoc members u could come out of ca. You and angel continued to provide old ss which i continued to say were old and we had no plans of attacking you. We did not attack anyone in Lr first. If u say different fine i dont think anyone cares anyways bcuz really what does it matter. Now that my rl issue is doing a little better i will post for everyone to lay off angel and her and i can one v one. Which imo was pointless to begin with but whatever. She has a one trill ally bomb and the two accounts of mine she knows have crap for allies. So lol. And (yes belle i started sentence with and) quit talking about all the clans hitting u lol our sub didnt return your fire for over 48hrs then when they return u guys (yes guys-which i am 99% all of Lr r) start crying more clans are hitting you lol honestly lets just quit with the who's fault it is and just war. I am really surprised to see sugah crying about all the clans hitting lol When angel feels up to it she can let me know. I have noticed she has had issues with hitting the last few days and i would have asked if she is alright-but honestly who in this game would care-right angel? 
  11. And is angel falsely accusing someone of cheating??
  12. Yes she is. And given the fact I was forum banned for falsely accusing Belle of that. Angel should be as well.
  13. Bye bye angel thats too bad
  14. Cynder, I'll give you the honors
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