Fail in promo? Honestly I'm close minded on this. You got offers and deals you didn't even need. Gucci doesn't give 50% off deals, LV didn, even American Eagle didn't give 50% off deals :lol: . At least the devs care enough for big deals.
We have every damn reason to complain when something as stupid as this black Friday happened.. allies market is monopolised by those who got build complete first whilst keep widening the gap between spenders and non spenders to the point of two different games... Yeah we all want new good content but not something that would split the community into two different parties... FIX IT
Why don't you shut up and stop thinking about yourself on a video game. Why don't you think about somebody else and donate that money to help people in need or help the planet? Ever stop to think that while your spending money and whining abou how you didn get Black Friday deals the way you wanted and somebody is making more virtual gold than you ( :roll: ), that there are people starving and even 1$ from you could change 1 persons life for a day.
Awwwwh.. Am so touched by ur kind soul lol.. & no I get my self concerned with whatever I wanna concern my self with
Now how the heck do you know whether a player donates money to charity or not ?? Did you spend when ata raised money for the various charity events ? How about daily to various charities. Each person can donate as much or as little as they like. People have the right to investigate those charities are spending donations wisely too. They also as paying customers have the right to expect a genuine sale price that offers value for money. What do you do when you buy a tv. Pay double the price in the first shop you go to because you can't be bothered to research where the best local or online deal is ? Why are ata's customers not in Your opinion allowed to express whether they got value for money or not. If I had spent what some players did only to be told a day later they could have got double the value for their money that they paid real money supporting ata during a sale . I would be pretty po'd too. But as it is. Freedom of speech means people can say what they like. You have no right to tell people what they can and cannot say. And actually neither do I . But opinion expressed. Hopefully next event will leave people with a better taste in their mouths so to speak. And that customers will genuinely feel they got value for money rather than treated like a cash cow.
If it had been left as just the Black Friday. Or the zta it would have been helpful to many. The fastest growth in ages for many clans, and especially smaller kingdoms. It also worked as a good incentive for casual spenders to join in and gain benefits for the entire clan. So in that regard it was a success. It did highlight that hte really does need the second bar permanently. And as I said most players would have been very content with their purchases. Even players that don't spend hopefully had some benefit from their clan mates spending. The only issue was that all that expense was then made insignificant in light of zta being offered half price meaning every cent spent could have been used to obtain double the gold for players and clans. Using zta as a separate Christmas promo sale would have been far more ideal for giving something back and showing customers they are valued, not milked. As I also said I hope the devs listen to the positives and the negatives. There are both. The last promo perhaps pushed some too far with their perceptions as to how they are treated. But without that last push the promo for every paying customer would have been a total win. The devs can build on that easily. The final points are it may not seem fair to free to play players. But promos do spread a lot of free wealth in game gold. Perhaps not as evenly as some of us would like. But there is a lot to play for. Last allies. The overpriced ally market is becoming an issue and some level of cap needs to be placed on certain levels of allies. A start would be to cap dead allies with a max price. This would mean small dead allies could be assured for smaller players. This would provide an assurance that max plunder is always available as long as you aren't stripped. But that's really for a different thread, but still relevant.
Now how the heck do you know whether a player donates money to charity or not ?? -I don't. I asked a question. Did you spend when ata raised money for the various charity events ? -Why would I spend in KaW for a charity event, when I could give it directly to the charity without giving ATA a cut. How about daily to various charities. Each person can donate as much or as little as they like. -I know? :lol: People have the right to investigate those charities are spending donations wisely too. -Yes I know :roll: They also as paying customers have the right to expect a genuine sale price that offers value for money. 50% off isn't a sale? 100% gold boost on top of sale isn't value for money? :lol: What do you do when you buy a tv. Pay double the price in the first shop you go to because you can't be bothered to research where the best local or online deal is ? -There's not multiple places where you can buy nobs. You can search the web for other nobility and crystal offers but you won't find any to help you in KaW :lol: Why are ata's customers not in Your opinion allowed to express whether they got value for money or not. -I never said that. And they did, they had the opportunity to get everything 50% off. It's not ATA's fault you decided to spend all your money on Friday and not wait for cyber Monday :roll: . Every year they have sales for both so not their faul. If I had spent what some players did only to be told a day later they could have got double the value for their money that they paid real money supporting ata during a sale . I would be pretty po'd too. But as it is. -So when you buy a pair of shoes and the next day they are 25% off are you gonna send an email to them complaining? It was their decision to do it. Freedom of speech means people can say what they like. You have no right to tell people what they can and cannot say. And actually neither do I . -I don't understand the relevance of this post. But opinion expressed. Hopefully next event will leave people with a better taste in their mouths so to speak. And that customers will genuinely feel they got value for money rather than treated like a cash cow. -It's a business that's 7 years old and dying. They are milking the game. It's what I would do.
Actually if you read earlier posts. Here we have legislation that requires a sale price reflects a genuine saving. The benefit on spending in kaw is more virtual gold. When you spend say ten dollars in a sale and and get back 50% extra gold that does represent a genuine saving. Until such time as kaw the following Monday release a new sale that spending the same dollar value would return double the gold of the previous offer. As such the Black Friday event was superseded by an immediate and better offer devaluing the initial purchase. Many customers were suckered in by this in both terms of buying seals and buying xtals and crux chests. Due to the cyber Monday deal the initial Black Friday sale value did not reflect the initial saving that customers believed it would. Now call me pedantic. But if it had been advertised that cyber Monday would offer zta a better value for money offer than Black Friday. How many people would have spent on Friday Saturday and Sunday? When their crux chest xtals and circles would have returned double the gold for the same value for money. Now also call me picky here. But Customers who feel they got better value for money tend to return business to same venue. Having seen people say they will not spend again after the recent "sales" because they are being milked. That's not positive feedback. Positive feedback that on Sunday those same players would have felt and potentially left on App Store. So there is no point saying players are wrong to feel a little upset. They have every right. Again here shops can be forced to refund the price difference if a better deal comes out within a certain time frame. I'm not suggesting that happen here. What I am suggesting is that ata respond to the concerns of players and in future perhaps offer a level of assurance that a sale price is just that and truly reflects the best value in game for the real expense. But that's me done on this thread. Almost. And ata donated all spending proceeds for. xtals to the charities. They did not claim a cut ( maybe a tax write off but fair enough ) they gave an incentive for players to spend on the game donating to a worthwhile cause where they may not have otherwise donated. They increased gold payouts and gave players the best in game reason to support those charities. That's a damn good thing for any company to do. So why criticise them on that? When they give back to the community is when we are proud of them. And that cannot be taken Away from them.
Actually if you read earlier posts. Here we have legislation that requires a sale price reflects a genuine saving. -Where is "here" The benefit on spending in kaw is more virtual gold. When you spend say ten dollars in a sale and and get back 50% extra gold that does represent a genuine saving. Until such time as kaw the following Monday release a new sale that spending the same dollar value would return double the gold of the previous offer. As such the Black Friday event was superseded by an immediate and better offer devaluing the initial purchase. Many customers were suckered in by this in both terms of buying seals and buying xtals and crux chests. -It didn't devalue previous purchases. HTE and ZTA are separate. Due to the cyber Monday deal the initial Black Friday sale value did not reflect the initial saving that customers believed it would. Now call me pedantic. But if it had been advertised that cyber Monday would offer zta a better value for money offer than Black Friday. How many people would have spent on Friday Saturday and Sunday? -Company's don't need to tell you when or how they are going to have sales. But it was obvious some sale would be on Cyber Monday. When their crux chest xtals and circles would have returned double the gold for the same value for money. -Not if you're hitting HTE. Also in all of this HTE half of is still cheaper than ZTA. Now also call me picky here. But Customers who feel they got better value for money tend to return business to same venue. Having seen people say they will not spend again after the recent "sales" because they are being milked. -All those people have been saying that since they started playin. And no matter what you say EVERYONE got better value than usual for their money. No matter what you go double the in game value of gold lmao. That's not positive feedback. Positive feedback that on Sunday those same players would have felt and potentially left on App Store. So there is no point saying players are wrong to feel a little upset. They have every right. Again here shops can be forced to refund the price difference if a better deal comes out within a certain time frame. Again where is "here". I'm not suggesting that happen here. What I am suggesting is that ata respond to the concerns of players and in future perhaps offer a level of assurance that a sale price is just that and truly reflects the best value in game for the real expense. -It was the best value for real expense, and then it got better :roll: But that's me done on this thread. Almost. -I was happy. -Almost. And ata donated all spending proceeds for. xtals to the charities. They did not claim a cut ( maybe a tax write off but fair enough ) they gave an incentive for players to spend on the game donating to a worthwhile cause where they may not have otherwise donated. They increased gold payouts and gave players the best in game reason to support those charities. That's a damn good thing for any company to do. So why criticise them on that? -Didn't criticize them :roll: When they give back to the community is when we are proud of them. And that cannot be taken Away from them. -Sooooo.... You're only proud of them for charity events?
AND if the HTE and Rotwb sale was on Black Friday, what sale would be on Cyber Monday? The only premium EB left :roll: