show some love for my anniversary 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Swabia2, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. Did you just call me alphabet?
  2. Aww my name is alphabet now.....
    hmmm I might want that code.......
    wonder how much I value my pots........oops none......
    maybe my allies........nah.......
    :) swabia cant be all that bad can he?
  3. Did anybody else notice Blimpy's post on pg 1? That very well could be Blumpyo_O
  4. Aww man, I could have gotten some guy silenced but accidentally deleted the post...
  5. Shol, there was a whole thread by blumpy :roll:
  6. I'm ignoring forums mostly though, to preserve my posts.
  7. 10k has a special spot, and will be placed on an anniversary of mine
  8. I have like 6 posts :cry:
  9. Mine was a party thread
  10. I got 500
    /sigh 1/20 of the way there
  11. Ps Swabia,

    missangel and lax_boi are my two personal favorites.

    They don't pay well though :(
  12. Lol swab I should be getting points for ur wall
  13. I showed my support and the guy acted like i made the biggest crime
  14. Meat came up on my bl but I just couldn't farm him  I'll go find other fresh meat. 
  15. Fb steals cm--schramster  and a lil French flare to my wall post. Awww Swabia I love you! You have the BEST ideas for celebrating
  16. Must admit i love this, so glad i havent been stripped in main yet so i can retire...this was worth staying for
  17. Well the anniversary love is still going, I was stripped over night, again today lol, have a couple of clans still on me lol I love this, so many butthurt people. Thankyou Swabia for showing me the fun in kaw again. :D