Should Xstals be available for Game Gold?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShelbyS, Feb 12, 2013.

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  1. Easily the best idea so far!
  2. To those who are suggesting that this will be abused by lb players - the solution is simple: a xstal limit per player (6 total at any given time w daily/weekly limit like mith) and extremely high price based on overall cs (like mith). Devs did a great thing coming out w mith that could be purchased up to a certain amount - it was necessary for ewars! I'm contending that the same thing needs to happen w xstals (also necessary for ewars). Those that know me well - know that I pop xstals (which are bought) and will continue to do so. I have no problem putting real $$ into a game - but some can't...I'm fighting for them.
  3. The EW crystal idea is actually a very good one. I certainly don't agree with pay to play wars which we currently have and it does present both players and clans with issues as to how and who they manage to war with. Wouldn't want to see an ee war xtal cost more than 10 bil though. And I still wouldn't support the idea of extra xtal usage to balance clans. Too many issues to resolve first and that would just create far bigger exploits and problems.
  4. Brilliant post by de___jawcpp___de! We could all learn a few things from that man.

    Jawcpp - I salute you, you're a gentleman and a scholar.
  5. I think using gold for xtals is way too easy. now buying xtals using mith will work
  6. That's another idea too...problem is you need the xstals to get mith now :/ (ewars are the only way to get mith and xstals are really a must) unless xstals only cost 6 mith or less.
  7. Hell no!the last thing we need is noobs running around with Xtals smacking Eb's.
  8. The idea on page one and subsequent pages is for ewars. The price of xstals would be so high as to discourage use of xstals for anything else (20 bill maybe - and higher for bigger cs). I don't know a single eb out there that can give you back 20 bill for the use of 1 xstal - minus ;)
  9. Then why not have War specific Xtals :) only usable for wars....and u buy them with mith :) witch u get from wars.
  10. I'm gonna go back to random wheel of luck which once a week we can spin the wheel for prizes such as mith,xtals,aqua,inferno and gold but have dummy prizes like 5000 gold as to not be one of the major prizes
  11. That idea has been propused - and I think it is a good one :) Check a few posts above though about the use of mith to purchase xstals - issue can you get in and win an ewar (for the mith to buy xstals) w/o xstals? It again locks those out who need them most. I think the best thing to do is to (like mith) have a certain amount which caps your ability to buy anymore (i.e. if you have 6 xstals - whether bought w real $$ or game gold - you cannot buy anymore). Maybe weekly limit too? Guess this idea also leaves these xstals open to be purchased w game gold for osw stripping too. Obviously the option is super expensive (at 20 bill a xstal). But it's still an option.
  12. No support.

    You could easily abuse this by starting a statless alt getting all the pots from TFO while your main and possibly friends help you complete it. You continue this a few times and then once you have a lot saved up you put it all in xtals and then start growing that account. That is if they were priced like mith was.
  13. 15-25 bill is to cheap for crystals. At least make it 75b a piece.
  14. I disagree because for a hansel you make more money in war...20 mill a hit in eb but 40mill in war a can grow fast in war if you know how to. War Xtals for war only bought with mith COULD provide a Great growing option.
  15. SUPPORT!! Allowing limited number of xtals purchased with gold opens EE wars to a wider number of players who either cannot afford to buy crystals or do not have access to credit. I know many players in this game who enjoy using lots of crystals in epics, one on one battles and of course, in osw. They will continue to purchase crystals with real money to fulfill their hearts desire for maximum crystal useage.  to naysayers!
  16. I agree that xtals should be made more available oitside of my bank account! I am a nearly constant player, active nearly 24/7 and to i buy loads of xtals to grow with, not just war, the latter of which i sadly have a very limited experience with, but im upgrade OCD and really need my xtals! i think my high activity and my investments into the fabulous dev's pockets should merit a reward, xtals of course would be my choice of rewards. Even an occassional xtal drop from ebs would not only encourage players, but it would illuminate the potential of using xtals! Yes, i agree that xtals should be made available outside our bank accounts and i know the brilliant devs can think of ways to still make money doing it without forcing me into my savings account. I love this game and am grateful to the fabulous minds that have made it possible, but please devs, give us more!
  17. Two things that would hinder that: #1) limit to xstals you can have on hand - only can purchase up to 6 total, then use/purchase just like mith (possibly even not able to buy until lvl 2/3 castle); #2) price - if it's in excess of 20 bill how could you possibly grow an account using 20 bill in gold to make - say 2 bill an unload (being generous). It is important to consider how any update could be abused - but I think w the proper guidelines you can have little to no abuse ;) Thx for thoughts - good ones!
  18. Thank you for positive comments - very well put. I believe this would open up ewars to a multitude of players who are otherwise stuck on the sidelines.
  19. I do like the "random xstal drop from ebs" perhaps include in next tier of ebs??
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