Should Xstals be available for Game Gold?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShelbyS, Feb 12, 2013.

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  1. If they limit it to 1xtal per 24hr period and only if you have no other xtals then i dont see a problem with it
  2. I think there should be a point system after each eb and how much u participated in it. There should be some other way to get xstals after finishing the quests besides buying them. To keep people active, why not xstal rewards as a rare drop in eb's or a active player point system.
  3. I support completely. As long as the devs add a block on the purchase limit per week, they won't lose much $$. They set up a perm mith sale with a purchase limit of sorts so they could do it for xtals too.
  4. Just make it like 3 xtals a week and everything will be fine
  5. Brixen, you never bought mith with real cash. With crystals you do. It will never ever happen. The devs wouldn't be smart if they did let it happen. Even if its like 3, they'll lose hundreds a week because people will stockpile them.
  6. It's not necessarily true that people won't still buy them with real money. Quite easy to figure out a value to use as well. If for example they gauge the price on the premise that one aqua is worth 5 crystals and one inferno is worth 7.5 bil then scale that accordingly and that's how expensive they are, limit them to 1-3 a day and they will be reasonably available to everyone. Won't stop players from buying more crystals with real money however. It could in actuality increase the people willing to pay for crystals. They just need to keep the daily purchase limit low enough and the value high enough to make it slightly more beneficial to purchase them.
  7. You get them from quests as a taster and then you buy. Guys just stop.
    I'll put it simply. The devs have 2 choices -
    1. Use their time to create updates that will decrease lag and finish the system wars update, chat with players about the vote that's going on, OR
    2. Use their time to create a system that could possibly take weeks, during which more complaints about lag etc will be made, less profits due to complaints, and on top of that, they lose a shitload from the new system giving free crystals. Or crystals for gold, I don't care, it's still a significant chunk out of their wallet.
    It won't happen. Deal with it.
  8. Haha how often do you think crystals drop from quests once you've completed them all 100%? Almost never to not at all on average. And why should I "deal with it"? I already buy crystals. An idea like this, implemented properly has the potential to benefit kaw as a whole. Are you saying you wouldn't like the opportunity to buy crystals with gold? Do you already spend money on the game? There have been a lot of things over the last few years that people assumed and claimed that the devs would never do to/for the game and players and they did. Without trying though you're right, it will never happen. I encourage the OP to email the devs his suggestion. Include a link to this forum on the off chance they haven't read it to consider. Because really what's the harm in trying?
  9. No harm but waste of time. It won't happen. Use your brain. Of COURSE I'd like it. But I can think of reasons why if prefer it not.
    It's deter my growth and gold accumulation.
    It would just mean a leader board player would sell or drop an ally and buy a few thousand crystals. A limit? Would help but devs lose cash. Why would they chuck away 20% or so profits? It's benefit us. Some of us. But the devs, who update and manage this game so they can earn cash to live a life, would damage from it.
    So... It won't happen. Boom
  10. Oh and crystal drop rate from quests is 0.02%. That's what's been gained from tests.
  11. I did use my brain thanks. As I mentioned a couple pages back the devs need to consider everyone playing this game not just those they can make immediate money from. Think of it this way, a shop owner that treats children as less valuable customers because they have less money affects his long term sales. Those kids then grow up and have money to burn will remember the negative and discriminatory treatment and shop elsewhere when they are older. The same can be said for kaw. Yes there are some very veteran players but many quit, often a reason given is that they feel ATA has gotten "too greedy". I do disagree with that statement and fully recognize that at the end of the day, it is indeed a business that needs to make profit. However, they are not the only game on the market and they do need to reward players (their customers!) for choosing their game over the many others and doing something like this properly can be a reward and long term investment for both. Emphasis on if it's done properly.

    And do you honestly believe that the lb players don't already have every advantage over newer players? Unless you're prepared to sink thousands of dollars into the game you will never catch them. Simple as that. They've been playing for years, and you can't buy time. Giving everyone access to purchasing a limited number of daily crystals will not give them any more of an advantage than they already have.
  12. Ok buddy. Email the devs and see what answer you get. It'll either be no, or them saying to put the idea in forums, which is usually a way of saying no in a nice way. Rejection. Believe me I know what the answer will be.
  13. Tbh, if the devs were to do something like this, they could host it for a limited amount of time like special events... E.g.

    *KaW Anniversary
    *A new major game changing update

    This is just a suggestion. But like many have said, you're probably gonna wanna email the devs about it.
  14. Well two quick observations for Shadow.

    First of all? I'm not your buddy. I don't enjoy socializing with pessimistic, narrow minded people who are unable to look at a big picture beyond their own shallow perceptions.

    Second of all, I'm so glad that you feel that you're qualified to act as a spokesperson for ATA's interests and plans.  I'm sure they're very grateful for your support of their image as a corporate machine that cares for nothing but their profit margin. Kudos to you. 
  15. Someone posted earlier the idea that we could swap aqua back into xtals and i completely agree however not for the full price. 1 aqua for 1 crystal
  16. Cheers mate but first, you need to understand that most people speaking the English language use words like "mate", "buddy", "man", "bro", etc as words to describe an individual.
    Second, obviously you DIDN'T use your brain. I'm saying what I am because its obvious, and YOU aren't the devs and they don't think the same as you. They'll see this idea and think about it, but I'm telling you right now that the answer will be no,.. Email them and prove me wrong. Please. Enlighten me.
  17. Transmute aqua back to xtals or aqua to/from inferno would be sweet.
  18. Support - Xstals for game gold is a good idea.
  19. Very good point. I realize that just about anything new is probably subject to "abuse" - but my genuine intent in this suggestion is to get a workable solution and more people involved in ewars. #1) An overall limit on xstals (4 max - over 4 means you can't purchase...similar to 6 mith), #2) a really high price adjustable to cs just like mith! I think those are some great ideas!!
  20. Haha this idea isn't a bad idea, like mention, it has it's pros and cons. Changing golds into crystals.

    I personally like the idea, however the dev will see this as a lost of additional income from those who participate in OSW, who require 24 crystals every 24 hour. What I would proposed, with a little upgrade from adamathome, would be to set a cap.

    Example, you can only purchase a max of 4 crystals, conditions, these 4 crystals are special, they can only be used on EEwar.

    Another Example, for EBs, a max purchase of 2 crystals per EBs, using gold.

    That way I don't see anything as a lost or anything as a gain.. It is like a fair trade.. (Unlike the removal of Mith reward from Mwar) which everyone know EEwar is very competitive in nature and not everyone wants to participate, as the war unstable and mith gained is certainty unstable.. (Disapprove removal of mith reward from Mwar)
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