should we arm the Syrian rebels?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed8491916, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. It's pretty risky. One of our planes got hit by AA this past week. It didn't get downed, but they can be.

    Look it's like this. The Germans are arming the Kurds. The French are running token bombing runs. People want to help the Kurds. Not many want to help Syrian Rebels against Assad that do not have any historical connection to anyone.

    Syria will not draw the support helping the Kurds has gotten. Why? Because people understand the history of Iraq. They understand the dynamics of global politics. Right from wrong. Also this will provoke Russia and Iran.

    Something we should not be doing. Instead we should be trying to mend broken relationships and forging new ones.

    There is going to be a lot of resistance to arming Syrian Rebels.

    It helps to know the topic in depth. And how military operation work, even if at a base level.
  2. Kill them all
  3. Tell FPM in my Clan I need third party contact due to being perm silenced