Should War be Fair?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. First off they're is no such thing as a fair war nor will they're every be. An to those saying this is game whilst that may be true its a mmorpg an a WAR one at that hence any advantage you can find you damn well take it within tou of course. Now cheating thats a different thing altogether an cheaters(those who break tou) can and should be banned.... but hell let's face it if kaw was fair they'd have banned the idiot with the poor me syndrome on this thread that cries on almost all threads accusing people of lmfao "stalking " long ago.
  2. One this is a game not a sporting event comparing the two is just silly and asinine

    Two in war u pick ur opponent or he/she picks u this is a tournament ... Both side are picked by the devs with the idea it's a fair match

    The problem with ee is wat u consider strategy or not and some of the mechanics of kaw (plunder mostly) are not set up for short limited wars (limited time limited players limited crystals)

    Saying ee is like a sport or a "real" war is just dilutioanial .. Stop kidding urself and wake up to the fact that the devs letting it get this out of control is the exact reason it's as bad as it is now and now that more clans then ever before are stacking rosters it's why the no match count is record setting as it has been this season
  3. Thanks Cheese, at least Im glad someone is on the same page.

    Chairborne, as I said, if your wish is to have a fair war, in your "terms", fairness in everything, then - the ONLY way, is when WOC is casted, your stats change identically to the next person who casted woc as well. Same bfe stats same bfa stats same everything,

    Then you war.

    Then thats fair in all aspects. To win the war, you'd only need the skill to click, and when to click it.

    Sure its fun in a way - but then people will find the lack of purpose building entirely, no one will want to upgrade, collect equips, or get BFA..

    I know I woulnt want to,

    If you say my comparison is flawed, I would disagree with you, its not flawed. They all have regulations, and for example there is no height limit in basketball. If I get a team of all 3m height tall players, and you're only at 1,6m tall, am I not allowed to play? I'd block all your shots easily, but does that mean Im cheating? Am I not following rules?

    Problem is that - I am, and tbh theres nothing you can do about it.

    Like what Cheese said, if someone jumps backwards and it works, you either find a way to follow, or find a way to jump better (side ways maybe?)..

    Im not saying you're wrong either Chairborne, but think of the aspects that I am saying, is there ANY other way to be fair besides making all stats equal? I dont think so..

    IF - you propose stats limitations, for example: each war of 20 players MUST consist of 1 top 100 LB, 2 Top 300 LB, 10 MID 13m Cs players, and 5 below 5m cs players.. Then you'd have problems too.. People will complain they cant find the right sizes, the right size cant war at the same time.. People not getting slots.. Etc etc..

    Even then, there will still be unfairness, if the team consist of LB no 1, and the other team LB 99, it'll be still a tough match - so what now?

    Then you'd have to meet the closest team available? If the total CS is more than 10m then no war? Well you'd have ALOT more no matches too... Then again people will complain...

    So again - what now?

    People keep complaining, I know I did too, and I STILL HAVE things to complain about...

    But think of it this way "WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU'RE A DEV?"

    Think of a technical possible solution, with the side and ripple effects, with all possible calculations, if you can come up with someone really sensible and workable, the dev might even give you a share and make you a dev instantly.

    No Im not mocking you, Im serious, think the way they think and ask yourself what would you do in this ee situation?

    I myself, am not very smart, nor have the time either to think of a solution, so I go along with it.

  4. Hiney,

    Comparing to a real war is delusional, exactly.

    Comparing to sporting event, is relevant.

    Imagine soccer:

    The devs are the hosts, like The Premier League, they set the time, date, matches, events, etc..

    The clans are obviously the teams...

    The warcoms are well, managers, like Alex Feguson, Arsene Wenger, Brendan Rodgers.. They select who plays and who doesnt, how many defenders (tanks), strikers (atk builds), wingers (SH), etc.. And they play out strategy when to atk when to counter..

    The rest of us.. The players, you can be Messi if you want, I wanna be Suarez lol - but you get the point. Each of us have the positive and negative attributes from our stats, and we get drafted, we get lured to other clans, like players get bought..

    So Manchester city 3 years ago suddenly bought all the talents and found a great tactic to win the league, just like Rising Hawks found the right players and the right tactic to win ee.. Are they cheating?

    I give you to answer it yourself I guess ...
  5. War is never fair. That's why wars are mostly unnecessary.
  6. In sports when u score points it's the same for both sides ee it's not

    Using ur sports comparison if USA basketball team was facing Taiwan in the ee system the refs would not have sat the taller men ..

    They would have changed the point system
    Every basket team USA makes they only get 1 point because they are bigger but if Taiwan scores a basket it's worth 5 points ...
  7. Again blitz in sporting events such as soccer do both teams score the same? For the same amount? The rules of scoring doesn't change depending on who ur up against that's my point
  8. Hiney,

    Fair point of view, then how would you propose? Everyone hits for the same amount of plunder thats made?

    We definitely cant change every build to be exact.

    What else are the options?
  9. Yes that's exactly wat I'm saying

    Plunder in ee should be the same no matter who u hit

    The differences would be in the builds u choose to field if u choose a lb / sh roster that's fine as u get stronger guys up top and weaker at the bottom

    The mids from the clan they match can now earn on those weaknesses

    Problem is right now because of plunder mechs theirs no draw back to running that roster ... If the two rosters truely balance in strength then they also need to balance in plunder earning capability

    If u have a huge strength there has to be a weakness to balance it ...
  10. Problem is .. If that happens, no one will want to upgrade... You get what I mean?
  11. Another thread spoiled by Ancienne. I've said it before, you should be banned from forums for being a prolific Flamer.

    You have made your point, regardless of how it was received. Just stop. Nobody cares.
  12. I think all would want to ug more then they do now... Once lb players stop warring with sh... Because now they would be the weakness they should be in wars

    People would then be forced or atleast find it better to fight along side players close in strength to one another

    But this wouldn't limit builds in ee if anything would expand how many different sizes and types could be useful not being worried about the amount of plunder being leaked to sh/gh

    I'm stating that plunder should either be static in ee (where as all builds make the same) OR all builds plunder should be based of their own size not the size of opponent (a players plunder per att would be based off wat he/she would get hitting themself)

    The second option is better as it would do 2 things
    1) encourage growth bigger u are more plunder u make per att

    2) help plunder builds get introduced because technically they'd make more plunder per att as they have less towers ... Evening the field a small amount between more plunder heavy builds and towered builds

    Adding another dimension to rosters (tho obviously some towers are very necessary)

    But both options do not limit rosters or any players in wars as the current plunder system does

    Again this would only be in ee not in everyday kaw
  13. wars are never fair, but any war can be flipped and won if you have good strategy and active players
  14. If war was fair, all the dead would rise after battle XD o wait that does happened in kaw
  15. War by definition is to find weakness and exploit advantage to WIN! No rules do or should apply. That being said, if 2 combatants agree to a fair, honorable battle, that's ok, but it's not a war.
  16. Even the military has war games, where sides are even to hon the skills of battle. Now OSWs are exactly as the name implies: Out of System Wars, anything goes. Just remember, what goes around can always come around.
  17. Idk should war be fair
  18. The question needs to be clarified. If the war is organized and is matched up like ee, yes it should be fair. You don't go into a duel or any set up competition trying to make it lopsided. However, osw and any wars outside of an organized set war, anything goes.