Should War be Fair?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. 1 V 1 hmm accepted
  2. No war is about tricks and tactics not preset limits if it was fair it would be more of traning and hardening troops than a war
  3. I didn't read your thread besides the tittle.

    Should life be fair?

    Nah life isn't fair at all.
  4. Get off this thread, Dionuts.
  5. No.

    War, even in a game, is having tactical and personnel advantage in the field.


    A soccer game, Manchester City vs Nottingham Forest - fair? No... Would ManCity be happy if the refferee says: You cant play Aguero, or your other good players, because Nottingham forest doesnt have your same standard of players... What would you/they say?

    Imagine again:
    F1 race, Ferrarri vs McLaren.. What if theres someone who says "Hey Ferrari, you cant go go 600 HP, even though you are within our rule boundaries, but mclaren can only go to 590, so you need to drop 10 and I dont care how".. Again, what would you say?

    Another example!

    Basketball! Lets say Olympics! USA vs Thailand.. (NO DISCRIMINATION INTENDED HERE), the ref say.. "hey usa, you cant play your tallest player, because Thailand's team tallest player is not as tall as yours.." Andddd what would you say!

    You wanna say "but this is a game" and "but we pay for it", and etc etc...

    Are those examples I give, not a game? Do you not pay for it when you buy the tickets when you watch the game?

    Come'on people get real, theres no such thing as a fair game, theres always someone with a different account with different stats that wars and you can never be fair.

    The ONLY and ONLY chance to be fair, is when WOC is casted, it changes your base stats, your equip stats, and all your BFA stats to one same level. Everyone. On every clan that signs up.

    So you'll have 20 identical members stats, identical bfe, and identical bfa, and will only count your clicking and managing skills. Which imho, is not fun. You play this game to find the right build to war, while you also learn to click properly.
  6. What are the metrics of fair?
    Build size?
    Clan size?
    Clan relationships?
    Mental toughness?
  7. Lmfao cynderstrike page 1 so ******* true :lol: literally rotfl-ed :lol: :lol: :lol: <3 <3

    Nah war shouldnt be fair, then we cant have iraq's oil :33333
  8. That's the thing. Not everyone plays for the same reasons.

    I agree with tmh and Galan. Dev sponsored tournaments should be on an even footing as much as possible. OSW is total war.
  9. War should not be fair or should not matters, it's ******* war, but game and competition should be fair, KAW is a game, it's a tapping game or more like online chat room lol, EE is a competition of KAW
  10. I don't think I could have explained it any better than Blitz on the precious page.

    Well put, mate. 
  11. Maybe. My problem was that the comparisons were flawed.

    NASCAR puts air restrictors on engines to limit engine power and sports have leagues based on ages and size to create equal levels of competition. Boxing has weight classes and most marital arts competitions are based on levels of skill such as belt rankings. Even Jousting had rules.

    The difference is that these are all seen as friendly competitive events. War is something else entirely. It's not friendly. At all. The best definition I've found for it is this:

    "War is not violence and killing, pure and simple; war is controlled violence, for a purpose. The purpose of war is to support your government's decisions by force. The purpose is never to kill the enemy just to be killing him but to make him do what you want him to do. Not killing, but controlled and purposeful violence." - Robert A. Heinlein

    Even war has rules, but if no one is strong enough to force you to follow them they don't really matter much.
  12. There is a difference between war being fair and the rules / guidelines being fair.
  13. Since ee are not wars I'm guessing he's referring to real war ... In real war no things aren't fair and usually with very few exceptions the larger better equipped force will win ...

    In this game closest thing to "real" war is osw
  14. I am referring to EE. They're system wars.

    @chair, although I agree there ought to be restrictions, using tactics and techniques that fall within the regulations of the ToU should all be allowed. Just because someone else thought of it first doesn't make it "unfair."

    It's the exact same thing with timers in S1. People bitched about that saying it was "cheating," when it didn't violate the ToU or exploit the game via hacking, which is also against the ToU.

    They just thought if a clever way to win and used it.

    One perfect example of using an unusual strategy without breaking the rules is the high jump event.

    That event used to be done by jumping over the bar head first. Everyone did it that way. Then along came this fellow (forget his name) who dared to think outside the box and try something completely different.

    He jumped over backwards! 

    I'm sure people pissed and moaned about it, but it wasn't against the rules! So when people realized that was the only way to win, those who didn't adapt fell out of the competition.

    This is how many sporting events are won. It's all about teamwork and pushing the Mikita of the rules to gain every inch of advantage over your competition possible.

    I think it's unreasonable to expect everyone in this game to use a head-down, brute force approach to system war.
  15. Limits* not Mikita damn autocorrect
  16. @ Cheese

    I agree.

    System wars are supposedly friendly competitions, not anything goes OSW. If you can game an EE within the ToU then it's not cheating, though I would draw the line at some tactics that would be within the ToU like a mass strip just before it started. That's not friendly. But then, everyone has different ideas about how the game should be played.

    And his name was Dick Fosbury. It's the Fosbury flop.