Should War be Fair?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Plunder wars.

    A war against plunder? :p
  2. Interesting, MM
  3. If there's a warrior in this game they didn't become one by playing KaW :lol: Kawing makes you as much a warrior as playing assassins creed makes you an assassin. Just my opinion tho. Seems cheap and insulting to real warriors handing the term out to people playing a video game.
  4. agree ... real warriors wouldn't steal eb fairies ... ;)

    or ppl who don't hit back at all ...
  5. You're almost as annoying as the real Imitation-cheese. Excellent Imitation
  6. Get the **** off my thread if you can't stay on topic, Dionuts.
  7. Damn Cheese. You didn't find her post at all amusing?

    I did :lol:
  8. It's not valid, because its the same cheese as before, no fake.
  9. Exactly IGCB
  10. War can only be so fair. You guys think that the clans that are winning atm won't be able to find exploits with any new system put in place. Good clans win from being more organized, better tracking, better wc, better roster builders. If you don't spend 4 hours putting a good roster together and planning, don't expect to win. Is the war system fair? Not really. Are there issues that should have been addressed a long time ago? Absolutely. It's unfair for mids and hansels. That's the issue. And yes, it sucks but until we put pressure on the devs wallets, don't expect a solution until after S3. That's my two cents.

    P.S. Ancienne...TL;DR. I would highly recommend using punctuation and grammar in your posts.
  11. Omygosh it's the real Cheese head wow. That's why you're doing such a good imitation. Okay, sorry, serious question then, not spamming the forum.
    If you're not breaking tou then game on, any dirty trick is allowed. If you're breaking Tou then you run the risk of being banned or writing a big long winded retirement thread like someone gave a flying fiddlesticks about you and come back months later and write thread after thread with run on sentences with some delusion they are important.
    During WWI Germans French and Scottish troops decided to join together and celebrate Christmas. It started by a German Opera Singer climbing out of the trench and singing. Then a Scottish Piper joined in to provide accompany the singer with the pipes. The Pipes are such a grand instrument Then next morning a pair of Germans with white flags invited the Scottish regiment to join them in their trenches as they were about to gas them. Strange things happen in war, rules are broken friendships evolve as hate is a temporary emotion and fades quickly with the sane.
    Rome decided to conquer the world then they made the mistake of attacking the last vestige of the very people who use to run Rome itself, the pagans, my ancestors. The Celts and the Druids banded together and killed the Roman force to the last man. They did not do it with a heart of hate but a need to survive They knew the false stories which had stirred these early Abrahams to a genuine fear and that were one to survive more troops would come. This ended a war spanning centuries effectively disbanding the enemy clan, in KaW terms. Taken to an extreme, defense may mean a complete elimination of the enemy. The only people to defeat the Romans signaled the end of an empire. Was it fair? Aye twas.
  12. All is fair in love and osw...
  13. No. War should not be fair. And why should it be fair? If someone has found a better weapon in real life are you going to say hey that's not fair. Why do you think the us wanted their airplane back when it crashed in china I think It was? Why does this apply to this game you ask? Well why should someone who knows how to build a roster with the best possible warriors, have that taken away just cause other people don't know how to build a roster?

    Well they have lbers!! And your point is what? Build a roster to avoid them or start recruiting some lbers.
  14. If that was a comeback it was weak, but welcome back Cheeseball. Maybe the wrong place to ask but are you going to tick off a war clan with glib comments and get farmed for months and quit again? Just asking
  15. I warned you once, Dionuts. Get off this thread if you can't stay on topic.
  16. War should be fair!
    Otherwise, I'd never beat my brothers at checkers.
  17. @Cheese

    To play devils advocate, you did insult her after it had calmed. Seems sort of pompous to insult, receive it back, then "warn" them. Doesn't seem very... Even...
  18. It's been 1-to-1, starting with her. Not sure how that's unfair.