Should War be Fair?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. "advantage"? ... by "game mechanics"? ... advantage for some and disadvantage for others? ... hmm ...
  2. no ... it's NOT free ... devs need to make money to provide it for "free" ... someone needs to pay ... and I used to be one of those "someones" ...
  3. Here we go again...
  4. Nothing is fair; all is fair.
  5. Think of the children
  6. God point
  7. I "love".....RANDOMLY capitalizing "words".....
  8. You... don't "love"... "randomly"... using apostrophes...?
  9. Ancienne took up all of page 4 with a pointless annoying rant. But what else is new?
  10. THAT's why I'm still fighting for the truth ... and it wasn't children who could beat me worstly ... and also they didn't have to beat me either as I didn't attack anyone ... not even BL ...


    ... is NO kid ...

    and he is STILL persistently decimating my defense pots in an abusive way (realized by devs only) for one single purpose only ... to make it easier for the abusers (my "owner" of my main account who also just abused a HEADUP only for "owning" me) to take all my allies and farm me unitedly ... what kind of "war" is that, please? ... in which the GAME MECHANICS ONLY do prevent an effective defense for those who get exploited and fooled ... why "fooled" ... bc catching up is impossible ... ESPECIALLY that way! ... NOT bc you can't grow best possible but bc they won't let you catch up or even get near to them ever ... and they grow even faster while you also work as a cow to milk only ... a cow which isn't allowed to profit of it's own milk ... BUT as all players are humans in here ... (at least I believe we all are ;) )... we all don't act like cows but DO hit back when attacked ... and the way I am getting prevented from effectively defending myself ... IS ABUSE! ... by cheating with "given options" (not given to all!) only ...

    this is like devs helping the exploiters of game mechanics with fighting single me ... why exactly? ... they never even defended their position for doing so ... NOTE: I still am a single player ... do I not have the right to do epics "therefor"? ... devs never explained themselves satisfyingly ... neither for provenly unjustified(!) silences made by their mods nor for the unjustified (!) bans out of a sudden with no detailed warning or any further explanation ... NOTE: I am NOT talking of justified sanctions! ... no one can blame me for not having explained MY actions and words ... I did that in my few emails to devs, too, btw ... I never was the kind of player permanently moaning to mods and devs ... I respected their job and assumed that they anyway got to care for more than they can handle themselves ... so I patiently did wait for some reason ... BEFORE I EVER started defending myself in public by "trash talking" (accusing a mod of abusing their position is NOT trash talking! ... their job is to care for the proper working of the GAME ... NOT of the wars in game!) ... my very first post was a discussion between me and a mod ... who had denied manipulating the game by abusing her rights and who had silenced selectively favoring her buddies (which never changed by now btw) ... my very first post had been written in a civilized way ... there had been NO reason to expose an old lady like me as if I was a three years old child and humiliate me in public with one single argument "just bc we can" ... it's a mod ... at least the mod job is supposed to be no "rp" ... am I wrong ...

    now ... we all know that the popularity of a mod is quite high ... abusing that fact does accelerate any negative development for a single player (ANY single player btw!) in game ... disregarding those facts I DID let it go for a longer while but noticed the risen amount of unprovoked attacks of ANY kind ... abnormously "ally tradings", flamings on my wall, and a lot more of "BL hits" than one gets usually ... this was one and a half years ago ... now ... as I was a clan leader myself (bc I was pretty much dissapointed of the "protection" by the ESTABLISHED clans I had joined before) and our own clan was pretty small back then but growing extremely well though due to the huge efforts (AND money!) my hub and me did put in ... I had to make decisions ... it wasn't easy to differ between naughty kids and adults targetting me specifically ... but I found the source ... I'm not going to name it ... but I do expect from devs to finally care for REAL abuse in game ... and perhaps think about whom to make a mod and whom not ...

    accepting any "help" you can get is like letting anyone join your clan and destroy it from within ... you may disregard me as a customer ... but you can't ignore the abuse in YOUR GAME! ... it's not mine ... but I DID care more than many other in here ... and had not been that comfortable to judge "one-way" only ... even sacrificed my own peace in game ... and it should NOT be ok to tolerate destructive "game leading" ...

    as it IS still ongoing - just at the moment I'm posting - although I'm NOT hitting anyone or even joining the game ... but note: I DID NOT apply for mod ... I

    and to ensure you of my position ... I don't agree with your "methods to keep the paying ones paying" ... it provenly made me (AT LEAST) STOP paying instead ... and probably will make even more players stop paying one day, too ... at least that's MY logic ... think about it ...

    do you even care for keeping up your game, devs? ... if so ... it's time for discussing it with those who HAD BEEN willing to support you ... if not ... it's ok by me, too ... as in that case I'm not the one who's going to WASTE any further REAL MONEY at least ...
  11. ^ Where's someone with the "nobody cares" picture when you need it.
  12. Do you even life? Stop crying over a game.
  13. one more thing ... you probably can decide (like you did in the past) to care for those only who payed MOST, up to many thousands of dollars (hundred thousands or millions even?), and keep on privileging them ... but the amount of those who can't compete with the richest is way higher ... you already got problems to get enough matches ... logic should count ... pleasing those who payed most only will decrease your player amount only ... same with players who insist on making other players leave which they just fail to dominate only ... those will always leave instead of accepting a one-sided "no rules" (in the end meaningless) "war game" ...

    those who always had played for free only are abusing the game a lot, too, btw ... even if they are mostly kids ... or especially when they are kids ... they do need to respect some limits, too ...
  14. you do "answer" to a post you "don't care" for? ... if you played with same "efforts" like you made on your "answer" I easily can tell you the "rp" you chose in game ...
  15. Lol @ do you even life

    Get a life ***** stop crying about this game
  16. a game is supposed to be played ... when some players start cheating when they can't beat a single player in another way it ends for the cheated one regularly ... unless game owners stop the cheating ...

    it's one thing to USE a headup for your defense and in EEs ... another to ABUSE your headup for just knocking out any "newcomers" ... I am NO newcomer according to the time I'm playing but I WILL always be a newcomer to the abusive kind of "vets" in game ...
  17. or let me say it this way, Larry ... this game does exist BECAUSE ppl pay ... according to your care everyone should better play for free only? ... you (and your kind) at least convinced me by now to do so ... 
  18. This is a war game, and we talk about war strategies. And in summary, war is never ever fair. War consists of deceit, surprises, illusions, etc. And one key differentiator that makes war unfair is the amount of knowledge.

    In war, especially in ancient China, there is a saying called 兵不厌诈
    Literally, it means soldiers are not tired of deceit, and its actual meaning is that deceit is common in war. This applies not just for KaW, but also in real life in the area of Politics and Business.

    Let us bring this further into some war classics.

    In Sun Zi Art of War, Chapter 6, 虚实篇 (Illusion and Reality), Sun Zi talked about the importance, as well as the applications, of interchanging illusions and realities to bring confusion to enemies. The other chapters also talked about the different strategies with more troops or less troops than the enemy (never a fair situation).

    In the 36 strategems of war, we have many examples where deceit and illusions can come into play. Some examples are
    1) 声东击西
    2) 无中生有
    3) 暗渡陈仓
    4) 笑里藏刀
    5) 调虎离山
    6) 抛砖引玉
    7) 混水摸鱼
    8) 金蝉脱壳
    9) 假痴不癫
    10) 树上开花
    11) 美人计
    12) 空城计

    P.S. I'm too lazy to translate the above 12, but it should be pretty easy to find out what they mean using Google.

    The best thing about this game, apart from chatting with RL friends, is the planning and the execution of war strategies that are applicable to many parts of our real life :)

    OK end of rant.