Should the US Close its Borders?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Buffalo, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. No ones suggesting that though, so saying that in a way to make fun of people who don't want kick people out and close the borders doesn't make any sense. It's actually confusing where you got that from tbh.
    Generally people that disagree with views like yours just aren't willing to be pieces of  and realise that pissing a large group of people off, even if your group of people is much bigger, is only a good idea if you're suicidal.
  2. YES! Should not now, nor never have been a question. Deport "all" illegals to their homeland, it's a crime and should not be rewarded with an opportunity to become a citizen. ..PERIOD! NO DAMN MUSLIM REFUGEES, they have ruined it by sending mostly males to places, instead of women and children in equal numbers.
    You want to come here DO IT LEGALLY,Don't expect to bring foreign laws, nor try to change what has been and has made us the country we are.
    If we deported all these illegals instead of giving them free aide, we would not have issues with citizens that need it.
  3. I agree with it being illegal and I believe the law should be upheld wherever possible. But for some of the illegal immigrants, the only other choice they have, other than coming to the US, is to die.

    Along with their family, any parents, friends, brothers, sisters or children they have. They either die a slow, long and painful death watching their loved ones die first or they die quick by a bullet or a blade.

    What would you do? Break the law or die with your family? If you reply this, don't do it saying they could just do it legally. That's literally impossible for most. Most of them have to wait for years. I believe the average is 12-18 months.
  4. Pissing them off isn't going to do anything, you honestly think it will be bad for America's economy? That's foolish, in the long run it won't
  5. Tell isis to stop killing their countrymen just cause they don't support their beliefs
  6. America should of been like china, don't take in any culture. Then i realized America itself has no culture
  7. I wasn't talking about your economy.
  8. Lol then what are you talking about? Your comment was directed at me ao Im assuming you are a talking about America though
  9. He wasn't just an ISIS supporter. I'd like to point out he pledged allegiance to ISIS via his 911 call during the shooting, and claimed that much more destruction from ISIS was to follow over the course of the next few days.

  10. :roll: Its too bad you have no idea what America is about.

    There is American culture, I think it may have been buried by all the illegals coming into the country and forcing their own culture down our throats, our government chuckled and turned their heads, now it is biting them in the ass, they should have put a stop to it from the beginning.
  11. I'm talking about violence. It's how it is. When you have something good that you keep people from, they take it.

    And when you attack people or send them to their deaths, there's a lot of people still alive that you plss off. And they kill you.
    I'm saying America isn't a country you **** with if you can avoid it. And taking some flak is better than taking on someone bigger than you.

    But if Trump did what he says he will do and I was one of those directly affected and it hurt me or my family, I would come back and I'd get my revenge x100.
    You don't get to make decisions like that without some painful consequences.
  12. How about you guys start with a little gun control first ??
  13. Criminals have guns. Let's ban them, so that only the law abiding civilians will follow the laws. Genius.
  14. As for the problem of immigration and terrorism stemming from that, I want to say this: recently, in my hometown, Twin Falls Idaho, a five year girl was sexually abused (KaW filter prevents me from saying what REALLY happened), by three immigrant boys, apparently from ages 7 to 14. Sources can be provided if wanted.

    This is one of many, many, MANY incidents of **** with the refugee's and immigrants. It happens constantly, and nobody cares to do anything about it. I rest my case entirely.

    I'll put this all into terms everyone can understand. If you're throwing a party, and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that 3% of the people coming into your party, into your house, want to KILL you, you're not going to let people come in until you figure out who's trying to kill you.

    Regarding the Mexican Immigration, having lived roughly forty miles from the border in Arizona, and frequently travelling to border towns, I can tell you that this isn't a 'small' problem, or the work of xenophobes who simply hate Hispanics. Ranches close to the border are abandoned. Towns are absolutely destroyed. The border patrol is a joke.

    So yes, absolutely, without a doubt, the immigration problem needs to be tackled. Without a doubt.
  15. Omg but like all the cases that happen with college students... Stanford case... Like 3 in a row happened in Florida with American citizens it's not just immigrants who that kind of stuff? And when they do they get caught and persecuted when an American boy does it he only gets 6 months
  16. Yo just vote for Trump puff said
  17. It ain't really America's fault that Mexicans feel like slaves in their own country, and wanna come to America
  18. Also why are you guys not talking about Mexico's border policy? A lot more strict then the US
  19. This.
  20. Better thread topic: "Is anyone who plays KaW actually capable of giving an informed opinion which is not meaningless to the question "should the US close its Borders"." Or, "what percent of KaW forum posters believe their opinion matters or is right on issues they don't understand, such as "Should the US Close its Borders?"