Should the US Close its Borders?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Buffalo, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Bigup to London mayor sadeeq khan whom on hearing that trump said he would be exempt from the ban replied he wouldn't go anyway LMFAO kudos sadeeq
  2. I don't think the U.S. should close Borders, I like knowing there's an alternative to Barnes and Noble.
  3. Asked and answered

    Quoted in "The Holocaust," by Martin Gilbert, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY, 1985, p. 285. Text as monitored by the Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service, Federal Communications Commission.

    And we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews.

    Not sure if you'll understand all those words but yeah he's not offering them a cold drink and relaxing time by the pool, stop trying to justify your intolerance and hatred and don't bring that drug addled insane monster in to try and hide behind.

    The corporal was one of the singularly most evil men to walk the earth last century nothing he did was in any way beneficial for humanity he fed on hate and destruction like the maggots he and his cronies were.
  4. Why would people talk about this in this game?
  5. There's really not much else to talk about.
    And some people enjoy debating.
  6. The Assyrians used to exhile the people of the lands they conquered in order to keep control. Their mothod worked. Trump's method makes rational sense as well, so it will work to accomplish it's purpose.
  7. Wonder if anyone even takes revenge into consideration.
    I'm not even in America so obviously I'm not directly affected, but if someone tried to force me out of my home and my country I guarantee I'd come back and kill them for that.
    No one gets to force someone out of their home and truly get away with it.
  8. The Assyrians relocated groups to other areas within the Assyrian Empire. Often these groups were relocated away from the cities that had been devestated by the Assyrian invasion to lands where they could contribute to the Assyrian economy. The Assyrians did not exile entire peoples from the empire.

    An interesting example, but not necessarily apropo to the conversation. ... portation/
  9. Muslim and Islamic are two different things. Islamists I'm pretty sure aren't extremists, while Muslims are extremists.
  10. That's a bit rude. There's extremists and non-extremists on both sides. Same as there is for every religion and race that has ever existed.
  11. Ban muslims from usa. N we will cut oil supplies. Simple ..
  12. Actually Muslims and Islamic are almost certainly exactly the same things. Followers of Islam are Muslims.
    However there is a huge and important difference between Muslims and the Islamic faith compared to fundamentalist extremist Islamic followers who use a warped perception of the faith to justify acts of terror.
    Think of the difference between your average Christian and the followers of the westboro baptists and those folks walking about wearing grandmas sheets
  13. Maybe they do really use religion as an excuse to do these things?
  14. Lol that's it? There isn't much information on that except the book, and you believe it? This is a lie. He never wrote that in his book, their is no evidence of any orders about killing Jews, no manuscript. At least show the speech where he said this
  15. Trying stop those who enslave most of our minds today, those who control the media
  16. Lmao yeah not linked to terrorism.....lmao
    You mean when he called police dispatch and declared his alligence to Isis? Or.....his extremist father ?
  17. We have a bigger reserve than yours. So cut it off. The politicians are the only ones keeping that bridge but for not much longer. Citizens are fed up with your culture of hate. So ban will go in effect.

  18. I do believe that would be the Mexican wall. Dont believe there are plans to wall out canuckians
    Or we could just build a dome with a single toilet in the middle instead of chuckin''
    em' & we could flush em'

    TRUMP 2016 
  19. Hi Chocolate! Great fun post about closing the US borders!

    So just to clarify individual beliefs of those posting I would like to ask a couple of follow up questions and see where they take us! No hate on this post please, just reply with what YOU would do!

    1. How many of y'all sleep in a place with walls, doors, windows, roof, etc.? How many of those doors and windows have locks on them or do you keep those open all the time to let anything in that wants to enter the access to come in? How safe would your sleep time be if you did not close the doors and windows?

    2. Hypothetically speaking, if your neighbors house was burning down, would you:

    A. Help them put it out then help them rebuild it but expect them to do or at least pay for more than 50% or the work.

    B. Pull up a chair, get out the s'mores fixings and enjoy the show!

    C. Tell them that you are so sorry their house burned down, but then tell them that as a reward they can go and live in with ANY family in town, in any house they choose, with no restrictions on how long they can stay. Don't forget to tell them that as a bonus they do not need to work, that you will give them half of YOUR pay for the rest of YOUR lives (so at least they have a reason to let you live).

    If you feel the border should remain open at all times and regardless of the cost, please try it yourself! I challenge you to leave your doors and windows open 24/7 from now until midnight, December 31, 2016. Please post the resulting video on YouTube for us to enjoy.

    I personally think that open borders are pretty good when they can be open BUT I would really like to know who you are and that you are not the kind of person who would steal my Honey Nut Cheerios and force my dog to wear clothes head to toe, just saying!
  20. The sheer amount of fear all the racists are feeling here is disturbing. You almost feel bad.
    It's 2016. Following through with violent racism is going to start with dramatic women on tv talking about how it isn't ok and end with karma ripping your necks out.

    #CrucifyTrump2016 sounds a lot safer and skips all the things leading up to it to be honesty.