Actually, trump currently directly employs about 22,000 people, and has created about 34,000 jobs if you use the multiplier effect. Which other candidate employs that many people?
That's because he's a successful (to some) businessman who needs people to fill those jobs. Most candidates are not like him, in that way and many others.
I was just thinking that and then lost my train of thought... Marking Muslims? Sounds like what happened back then to me.. I'd like to add on that I have many Muslim friends who would never dream of murdering anyone.. Heck, a few of them are pacifists.
I was just point out the fact that it was stated that he has done nothing for the US, when it reality he does something for 22k people.
Question his less than 1% failure rate? Wow, I'd hate to have a president that fails less than 1% of the time. Said no one ever.
And id hate to have a racist idiot who wants to violate the rights of Americans but apparently other Americans don't agree. And frankly anyone who votes for him is just as stupid
That's a little too far. In my experience, Islam is a very peaceful religion. The religion itself does not praise violence, in fact, it's quite the contrary. Islam teaches peace, Jihad is not mentioned anywhere in the Qur'an It's fake, it's used as an excuse for violence. I do not see anyone bashing Catholics as a violent religion due to the minority bombing plan parenthood. Islam is no different, all belief systems have some crazy followers hiding behind it as an excuse for hatred.
Who other than Americans claim the US is the best? Ego no doubt As for pros n cons many nations have their day. Many non-Americans would say the US is the most unworldly for starters tbh.
"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"
Trump is like the fifth grade president who promises no homework and candy for lunch then gets elected and realizes he can't do any of it
U.S. close it's borders? Fantasy,isolationism didn't work in the 1920's and won't work now irrespective of political,religious or financial turmoil in the domestic or global front.