Should the US Close its Borders?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Buffalo, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. No the us should not
  2. I don't know the ultimate agenda by the politicians for closing the borders, but I would hazard a guess as to they would not be comlpletely closed. For example trade with countries not known to harbor extremists would more than likely continue. Also immigrants would be more closely scrutinized. Right now the vetting process is obviously broken and in need of some reform.
  3. immigration. being closed to even somewhat extremist areas would cause major issues. OPEC nations are home to many extremist and most likely would put a trade embargo if we closed our borders to them
  4. Build the wall save us all
  5. Let's just dig holes into the ground all around the US and make us our very own island
  6. Seconded. Let's add sharks to it for good measure
  7. Something like 92% of all the U.S. economy is domestic. If the entire world fell off the United States wouldn't actually be all that crippled as much as other nations would. Keep China and Canada and that number must be close to 99%. Not that I support closing the borders, but just saying it wouldn't be total "economic suicide"
  8. Keep borders open
  9. Throw in some electric eels, a kraken
  10. Nobody can go against a president or congress that chooses to release the kraken :lol:
  11. What borders r u talking about?
    Canada or Mexico?
    Or your inability to police your own ppl?

    Pile of propaganda and bs.

    Why not stop travel in both directions and all ppl everywhere can be safe?
  12. I second this your walls and secure your borders
    No one gets in and better still no Americans get out
  13. No they shouldn't.
    And the Orlando shooting was not a terrorist attack. Omar was gay himself, and his shooting of those people was because of hatred and self hatred and confusion. It had no connection to any religion.

    Edit your op to remove the part about Omar please.
  14. No connection to any religion, yet he pledged allegiance to a religious terror organization during the shooting.

    You must be a special kind of stupid, yeah?
  15. It wasn't a question. Use Google, the information is there.
  16. A question? I never said it was a question. What I said was that he openly referenced isis, an Islamic terror group. How can you say it wasn't about religion, when he pledged to a religious group while doing it? You're making no sense.
  17. Look it up on Google and you'll get your answer. If I wasn't confident in what I said I wouldn't suggest looking up the information.
  18. You come into a debate, and the only thing you have to say is look it up on Google?

    Good lord, I usually am pretty good at seeing both sides of the story, but you literally are one of the dumbest people I have ever seen on a debate thread. I don't mean to insult, but damn. Is that how debates work now? You don't give any answers, just tell people to Google stuff?
  19. We shouldn't get rid of guns, just Google it.

    Don't build a wall! Google it.

    Abortion is bad! Google it.