Should the US Close its Borders?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Buffalo, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Also, your questions are all extremely biased, and the one that wasn't (economic side) might've actually been the most stupid question I've ever read. You aren't supposed to ask questions that already assume an answer or make your opinion obvious in them - you pretty much gave the questions in a way which makes it hard to agree with you (other than realizing you're stupid and calling you stupid), your attempt to provide background on this issue was ridiculous from the get-go, using the pulse shooting, you ignored the idea of Trumps rhetoric existing as a political/polling strategy, as far as I know, no one has talked about kicking Muslims out of the country. Probably most importantly you just skipped immigration and the costs associated with it as well as the ways in which it will change "the western world" as we know it, the cost it will have on the global economy, on the EU, etc. Also mentioned should've been a background on ISIS, and some discussion into domestic circumstances of the Middle East.
  2. Idiotic response to a growing problem in the USA. Let's forget the fact that these mass shootings were made with legally acquired guns and let's focus on the criminals ok? Trump supporters these days... Smh
  3. Yes, close the borders. Save the world from americans. In return there will be less violence against Americans. Or am I dreaming
  4. Silver Bullet, as far as I know, Trump has moved towards a policy involving regulating firearms. I do not think Pulse would have happened if we had banned high cap magazines, or/and the ability to make guns automatic (for civilian use). Criminals are not the ones killing civilians with weapons in massacres, crazy people are. Criminals for the most part stick to killing other criminals with their weapons (gang/criminal violence, etc).
  5. The sucky part is how difficult it will be to enforce any new gun laws across the entire country. I'm sure a lot of people will ignore them and a lot of gun stores will kick up a fuss.
  6. AVM, I think anywhere a vote is held, a majority would agree an American does not and should not have access to a 30 round magazine fully or semi-automatic high powered rifle. And such a group of people who believe this must be fading after the past 3 years of horrific instances of the uses of these legally purchased arms in America.
    Also I don't know what current regulations are and it's possible my example of a 30 round fully/semi high powered rifle is already regulated, but a weapon capable of battling a group of armed officers and massacring 50 civilians is something we shouldn't allow. If he had a 10 round semi automatic rifle, I strongly doubt he wouldn't have been overpowered in such a closed environment with so many people, nor fended off the armed off-duty police officer in the club.
  7. You do realize you can 3D print a 30 round magazine? ...pretty simple. You can 3D print the receiver of an AR15 & have the rest mailed to your house 100% absolutely legal...

    ...there's no federal law prohibiting anyone from manufacturing their own firearm for their own personal use.

    Most of this thread is moot people are so far behind on the current RL discussion. Look it all up its been headline news & not new news..

    ...where have u people been? 

    And im dead serious all the discussion on this thread about gun laws is so obsolete and outdated ... Google 3D print guns and see what comes up and how it may effect future laws and whatnot. Old old news
  8. How much does a 3D printer capable of, and the materials to produce a 30 round magazine through one cost? How many senseless killings of civilians (for no reason) have been carried out with 3D printed gun parts? The US DOJ has banned the distribution of 3D gun printing directions "Soon after Defense Distributed succeeded in designing the first working blueprint to produce a plastic gun with a 3D printer in May 2013, the United States Department of State demanded that they remove the instructions from their website." Would Adam Lanza or the latest Pulse killer really have been able to purchase, and find these blueprints on line, if their high powered firearms were not obtained legally? Obviously no one can give a sure answer, but I do not think so.
  9. Get back on topic noobs
  10. Within the 1st "6" days the 3D blueprints for 30 round magazine were downloaded 22,000 times ...that's in the 1st "6" days. It was up much longer then that before they were taken down....

    ...dsnt take much to follow find them NOW online pretty easy & free. That's all I'll say about that.

    Same with AR15 3D blueprints & there's still no law prohibiting anyone for manufacturing firearms for their own use....

    It really dsnt take much to find these ...
  11. Get back on topic or else I'll tell OP
  12. Snitches get stitches
  13. Rights no longer serve to keep any if us safe. Worked great back when we were a fresh country full if patriotic like minded people with simular values,goals and beliefs. Nothing short of extreme would end terrorism within any countries own borders.

    Stripping away all rights within this country, monitoring everyone, and dealing out expedited death sentences/corporal punishment for violent crimes would certainly put a dent on terrorism within America.

    Biblically speaking "believe or don't Believe" there was another instant where people became corrupted, vile and well just overall bad. Pretty much all the bad parts of humanity overshadowing any good. What happened? "Supposedly", great flood, all but a few wiped out, poof. Problem solved.

    Lesson from the story, if your project turns out bad, you scrap it and start over. I don't want to think that the world is a lost cause yet but it's certainly headed that way. If people don't get with being united then we will undoubtedly only escalate in the killing of one another and eventually blow the world to hell. Too much anger in the world, too much hate. Gotta find some common ground to stand on and quit hating period.

    I don't what the answer is, the right thing to do. But the answer doesn't lie within politics either. Face it, politics has never exactly helped lead the world in peace or prosperity. We could try to fix our own country as much as we wanted but it would be trivial at this point. The world is the big picture folks, and if we can't save each other, we'll destroy each other, simple as that.
  14. Close the borders.

    Make America safe. Muslim theology is illegal under the US constitution.
  15. The narrative of this argument is nonsensical. Mass murders arent committed by healthy people. They are committed by psychopaths in nearly all cases (who else would enjoy murder?)

    Therefore, due to the fact that immigration has little or nothing to do with mass murders, and because thousands of Canadians work in the USA and have family there and vice-versa, it is very easy to say that closing the borders is a terribly stupid idea.
  16. Oh educate me about America then, You are REAL AMERICAN right? From what I know America is HATE, it is a county built on HATE. This country was built by different ethnicities/nationalities. America is nothing but a salad bowl, a mixture, and its seasoning is HATE
  17. Can't escape the past, it's past is the present, and from where its heading the future
  18. 100% agree

    U.S. prisons aren't filled with too many Canadians that I know of but 37% of the male prison pollution is Hispanic a disproportionately large percentage compared to other ethnicities/races.