Should the U.S. gov be overthrown?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Aries, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Also with the lower voting rate it's likely to see more radicalism.

    The centrist, moderate, less radical people aren't voting while the radicals are (radical is someone who wants big change). This means that radicals are being over represented in government and the average guy isn't being represented at all.
  2. Interesting how someone from nearly racially homogenous Japan feels that he understands our social issues...
  3. This made lol. The ignorance is astounding. What do you say to the black people that want him impeached?
  4. Why impeach Obama?
    What has he done?
  5. Besides the fact that some of the stuff he does is illegal....
  6. Give me an example
  7. How about swapping a deserter for prisoners without giving congress the required notice?

    Against the law.
  8. I think next time around we should elect a President who was born in this country.
  9. Don't start that. Just don't. He's an American.
  10. The government officials the public sees are just puppets used by the real elite to fool the masses. The media (tv,music,entertainment) is the biggest tool these elites use to distract the U.S. civillians from real world problems.

    We are trained since elementary school to not be opinionated, not question authority, and follow commands mostly yelled at us by women. If you are too creative, or dont fit the standard slave mentality THEY want, you end up dropping out and sometimes commiting crimes to survive.

    Last point: Money = power. We all know this. So obviously who is one of the great masterminds behind this hidden agenda? Bill Gates. Guess what? He funds millions of his own cash into creating vaccines. THE LAST VACCINE HE MADE FOR POLIO LEFT 50,000 PEOPLE PARALYZED IN INDIA. (Search this up) He has stated on camera before, that he wants a lower world population. (NOW CONNECT THESE DOTS)
    1. The media hoaxes a fake ebola scare to condition our minds that an outbreak might occur.
    2. Bill Gates is currently funding a vaccine for ebola with large pharmaceutical companies. One of them is known as Monsanto you can look this up.
    3. The Govt will make these vaccines mandatory, if not you will risk getting thrown into one of the new "FEMA camps" being built. (Search them they look like death camps)
    4. Once they take our guns away, which is what is coming, we will have no defense against these people.

    Open your eyes people. The hidden agenda is happening before your very eyes and you follow like sheep.
  11. This last post was brought to you by Tim foil. It'll make a great hat!

  12. I vote for you!!!!

    In the most moronic post on a forum in history.
  13. Don't worry American citizens Canada will invade you so join us to fight the tyrant of Obama

  14. Hell yeah. Replace em wih kevin spacey.
  15. @squirtle you're outgunned by Americans 
  16. Countries have traded prisoners since the dawn of time. Even WWII prisoners could be considered deserters since they could have technically fought to the death. I'm sure the USA is keeping an eye on those guys that were released. Remember that an American family was reunited.
  17. You are delusional. There are over a billion people in India and India does not have proper health care as it has a per capita GDP below $10,000. Even if that statement is true about India, then it's OK given the circumstances and amount of people who need to get vaccinated.

    Vaccines are very safe and prevent the spread of disease. If you don't understand this then you don't understand basic biology. Therefore you shouldn't be trying to make statements on the positive and negative affects of vaccines.

    If Bill Gates wanted to lower world population he would be supporting global abortion rights, giving women more education (this lowest birth rate), helping poor nations out, be supporting subsidized birth control, and other things which lower the birth rate.
  18. @tables

    Just join us we will free you from the tyranny of the American government... And we have cake
  19. The cake is a lie. On the other hand, most of the posts on this thread are as well. So I guess it all works out :)