Lololololol. The only thing the bull moose party did was split the republicans votes between Roosevelt and Taft. Which ultimately lead to Woodrow Wilson (democract) winning presidency, with only 42% of the popular vote. Woodrow Wilson is arguably one of the worst, is not the worst president we have had. Under his administration, the U.S. was in many ways on lockdown. He pushed for passage of the Sedition Act of 1918, Was responsible for the Palmer Raids, and silenced people who spoke against the government. So if you think a bunch of splinter parties will fix this mess, then you are wrong. As I said, splinter parties only really help the party opposite of where the split occurs. In this instance, Republicans split and the majority of republicans went with Roosevelt. The rest with Taft. Which allowed Wilson to win. Had the splinter party not occurred, Wilson wouldn't have been president
edit: nvm he made an edit. hey. guess what. if the ******* devs hadn't ****** with my ******* forums, i could have just deleted this post instead of leaving it.
I'm going to address a few things real quick. 1. My post was discussing the two party system currently in place in the U.S. 2. I never said anything about parties bashing each other. 3. I never said "over throw the government." 4. Hell, I never even posted a political stance, for all you know I am a pacifist. 5. You bring up racial tension, yet my post was about two party systems? You on crack bud? 6. I haven't read any of frogs posts yet. So if anything I said resembles his opinion then it is coincidence. Generally, I read op then post immediately before reading any comments. That way my opinion is uniquely my own and isn't changed by others. Then I will read comments and discuss it. Which is how I found you quoting me poorly. Try to actually address my post this time rather than talking about 6 subjects I never mentioned or even hinted to for that matter.
That name is commonly censored. Some places take it very serious. People have been thrown on jail from spreading nazi propaganda.
I think you mean "factions" You couldn't be more wrong general Washington never wanted to be president he was probably the least politic-oriented of any of the presidents in my mind, that being said when Washington left office the two current political parties had different titles and had completely different ideals, the modern tide shift parties came much later. On that last point president Obama never granted anyone illegal citizenship whatsoever, citizenship is applied for and granted after years of careful study and more money than most seem necessary... That being said you would have likely failed the citizenship test had you not been naturally borne. Take solace in knowing that most immigrants who attain legal residency know more about our system of government than you op.
Let me address something quick. I don't care. You are posting on a garbage thread that started with a race bating post. Not op but frog. I just don't care buddy. Garbage is garbage address it all u want Hey op. Listen to Nas - Black Republican.
Hydra shock. You sound like a complete idiot. I prove you wrong 100% and all you can come up with is "I don't care what anyone else on the thread contributes because frog race baited." I am not frog. Nor would I consider myself having close ties with frog. Nothing frog says reflects my views directly, nor do I read his posts half the time. But for you to throw a tantrum and misquote me then cry you don't care when I call you on it is ridiculous. Grow up bud. Basically what you are saying is "1 football player beat his wife in an elevator so now I'm not listening to any NFL program." You can't make it in life ignoring an entire debate because one person (frog) has different political views than you. Titty baby
Americas government is two party puppet system.... Its corrupt beyond belief on both ends. I personally am not looking forward to when the republican party runs both congress and the senate. I am in all means a republican on my ballot but the ideology they follow by will kill America. Same in vise versa, if the democrats ran the country we would all be dirt poor, equality in pay for everyone (sound familiar? Its what communist Russia did) Either way this winner take all system we have will only hurt us. Our two behemoth parties only take away from the independent parties and what they stand for. Our two political juggernauts try to just suck their philosophies in but the end result is the same. The past decade no one has been happy with our presidents. Its rather sad but just another truth that america is corrupt
Yeah I do. You made a blatant attack on a race of people. Is being called a crack head better than being called a racist?
Well mate you haven't met the people you are calling racist. So maybe you shouldn't speak of them. Nice way to post on the first page of a overthrow American government thread on text based war game marketed to teenagers. What marketing is done. Just the app page. Keeping perspective is a beautiful thing. Here's a edit. At the very least your a bigot. At least crackheads can recover. Bigots no so much. So I was trying to help you out.
Well goodbye to any chance of a debate considering the bs race card has been played. Enjoy the lock. And frog. Time to grow up. Blacks white yellow and red are all capable of being racist. It's all about how stupid and shallow the person is.
No. It was stated I the Declaration of Independence that should a government be corrupt, or deny people of their rights, that it is the peoples job to revise or abolish it. I have my rights, and thought it may be segregated in two parties, the government isn't corrupt. It just doesn't know how to spend money.
Two factions? Everything's split one way, I was watching a vote on the science society. 220 Republican, 190 Democrate. It's a flawed system.