Should the drinking age be lowered?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. Whats wrong with going to the clubs? Ive had some of the best nights of my life with my girls in the nightclubs of chicago
  2. Doesnt matter what the drinking age is teenagers under the age can still get alcohol!
  3. No, lowering the drinking age is never a good idea. Studies HAVE shown that the body isn't developed until you're 21. Alcohol when you're 18 is not good for your growth or development.

    By far one of the most stupidest things Obama has done.
  4. Pls answer me, anyone?
  5. Drinking age was 16 here until summer 2014, when they changed it to 18. At 18 teens are mature enough to know what is good for them and what isn't. I support lowering it to 18.

    EDIT: The rules don't matter anyway. People at age 13 even drink, they will get booze in some way or another.
  6. I'm 19 and I don't support this. It's common fact that the portion of the brain controlling decision making isn't fully developed until the mid 20's. (24-25). At 18, people are still in high school.

    In order to get alcohol, we had to know someone who was 21. This usually came from someone an older relative knew. It was extremely hard to get alcohol up until around junior year. When the people who were seniors when we were freshman turned 21. If 18 year olds can buy alcohol, the door opens for those who are younger as well. 14 to 15 year old freshmen will now have their door into parties.

    I just don't think it's a good idea. 18 is an early age. You still have your whole life ahead of you. There is no reason to enable 18 head olds to potentially ruin their life in a drunk driving accident or by becoming alcoholics.

    I know the drinking age is low in many European countries, but it's been like that for a long time. It's a normal, nothing new. The teens have always had the right, so they are used to it. Teens in the US have always known you had to be 21 to drink legally. Which means if it is lowered, they will go crazy and drink more than they should. Sort of like keeping a teen trapped in the house for a few years. When they do get to leave, they are going to have as much fun as they can.
  7. Here in Canada the drinking age is 18 or 19 back when me and my friends were younger like just 18 we never let anyone drink and drive always we were careful it's the idiots without friends who drink and then drive and then kill someone
  8. Kids who are 18 arent mature enough to handle the responsibility of drinking respobsibly. Heck you really arent mentally sound as an adult until your late 20's you still live stupidly up until about 28. People want to legalize pot..a gateway drug and lower the drinking age...well enjoy what happens after that. Car insurance and health insurance premiums sky rocketing more than they already are. Drunk driving deaths way up. It will get ugly and people will be like hmm maybe we should have moved the drinking age to 25 not 18.
  10. Booze tastes pretty good. Other than that, it's worthless
  11. In Ontario it's 19. Quebec, Manitoba, and Alberta have it at 18. Rest are 19 like Ontario
  12. Therr should be no drinking age and free beer for all.
  13. ^^^
  14. Recruiting age starts at 18 because 18 yr olds are idiots who think their invincible. Really want a bunch of "invincible" idiots bar hopping and driving? Not I. So please don't use this Army crap as a reason. 18 yr old are recruited because they are dumb and impressionable NOT because they are responsible.
  15. Well the drinking age is 18 in most European countries, so I guess...
  16. I've been drinking since i was like idk yeah who cares what the law says
  17. I'm sorry that you had good for nothing sorry ass parents. You need hugs
  18. A problem with lowering the drinking is if it proves to have been a bad idea, it takes a lot of work to change it back.

    Can take years and there really isn't any issue with the age restriction now other than 18 year olds wanting it lowered.

  19. what are you ret ar ded? I've been sneaking drinks at weddings and out of the fridge when i was younger my parents would have killed me lol. don't pretend like you didn't. well you are blackhand you are all loudmouth idiots anyways who hang onto the past know like law 2011 now you are just a noob clan.
  20. If you're old enough to go and die in war overseas then should be old enough to drink.