should i unground?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TFE_Longboarddude44_TFE, Jun 19, 2015.

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  1. So keep the mayonnaise out of the sushi?
  2. Always. They don't mix very well.
  3. Last part of OP made me realize this was a troll.

    I was about to take it seriously, too.


  4. Spicy rolls all have mayo...
  5. Go RICHMOND!!!
  6. I took you seriously until the last sentence.
  7. Regardless of your last sentence, I still believe in you.

    You should unground him, and maybe smack yourself for ruining his summer. Hopefully he doesn't resent you and murder you in your sleep.

    <-----------Parenting trophy.
  8. Talk to him. Should let him off
  9. It is worrying times when people resort to using kaw forum for parenting advice.
  11. Absolutely, he passed and that is what you were ultimately looking for! FREE THE KID! FREE THE KID! :lol:
  12. I know a dealer, if that's what you mean ;)

  13. Support 

    OT: Not the place to ask these questions, ground yourself.
  14. Are u making a football team or what
  15. You know they pass anyone except for the people who gets in trouble so I say 2 weeks of unground then ground him again. Jk never done summer school but 95% is pretty good and should be ungrounded
  16. Yes, stone him and then stone him
  17. If OP is not a troll; re-evaluate your life & fix it.
  18. Or rotten tomatoes
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