Should horn/seal drops be worth farming for?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Elmo_Vaz_Te, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Don't like a clans rules don't join.
    Rare that clans ask for help on HtE LOL
    Selfish ppl ignore a clans rules then they r free game n get whatever they deserve. U want anarchy then live with what it brings.
  2. Then clans should stop advertising on WC and do the ebs themselves so theirs can get a chance for a drop and keep it i n the clan.
  3. I'd figure a deal is a deal, if that's the clans policy then that's how it is.
    It obviously is a clan effort unless
    of course you can solo that EB and did so,then it obviously took the whole clan.
    Most clans let seal user set terms for seal regardless, so in any event the recipient still reaps more benefit than the others.
    The only real difference is not being able to take said seal to an HTE clan n turn ones too into one week but so what.
    If that was the intent you'd prob have to be part of a decent home clan who you've been a member of for some substantial amount of time.
    Either way a free seal is just that a free seal why not share it's not like it cost you anything

  4. Yes but the clan didn't get you that seal. You got lucky, its random and it has nothing to do with them. For me its not about the seal as it is about people controlling my actions. This is as bad as it was years ago when some larger clans tried to monopolize regular haunting items. This is all my opinion clearly, however if nobody takes a stand it could escalate, currently clans let us set the rules on these forced seals, what if that changes in a few places and takes off? Were will it go from there? I don't know maybe you see me as a traitorious idiot. However I feel whole heartily if its on my account it is mine. As such it should be my choice where I use it. Seals cost money generally if you win one its luck. As someone said before its like a raffle. If I win a grill at work I wouldn't be obligated to cook at the next shop party. It would be my choice when and where to use my new grill. The shop didn't earn it you each bought your tickets. ( in this case its actions)
  5. Sorry to be annoying? You are what you are. Don't be Sorry. You only can be yourself, you shouldn't have to warn people that your annoying... just be.

    And Yes. Ppl that critique grammar on the forums are annoying. I'm typing on my cell phone while I drop a deuce at work Sorry I didn't spell check for you little grammar turds. :'-(
  6. Anything that encourages farming should be celebrated!!
  7. Seriously, its a matter of manners. If you like the clan, you should drop it. If you don't care, take it. Its your game, play it the way you want. Just make damn sure you can stand up for yourself afterwards.
  8. Its funny seeing both sides of the argument. However, all the people who say a dropped seal is theirs conveniently miss out the crucial point:

    If the clan rules are to use a dropped seal in that clan then YOU are breaking clan rules. Whether you think the rule is right or not is completely irrelevant, you are knowingly cheating the rules of the clan you have entered. End of. How you feel about that is down to you.

    If seal drops are not covered by clan rules then you are of course free to do exactly what you want.
  9. First, the clan I'm in doesn't need help finishing eb's. We allow people in if we have room. Last I checked not many clans have finished ASoF, we have. We aren't begging for help to finish eb's. If you are lucky enough to get into the clan, then that's where your luck ends. The seal stays if it's dropped, or you pay the price. Plain and simple. Don't like the "rule" stay out of those clans. You could say it also costs "money" to create a clan, so why can't the owner of the clan set his own rules? Your argument is that it's yours and you should be able to do what you want with it, but you don't think the clan owner should be able to do what he wants with his clan. Kind of contradictory I would say.
  10. What does keeping seal drops in house have to do with wc posting? People who choose to help just do so knowing the clan expects deals to stay in-house. Reading a CP and CA shouldn't be a foreign concept.

    I find this post interesting because it really shows the 2 very different styles of player. On one hand you have those who seem to value the clan integrity and respect for clan rules, and on the other hand you see those who view clans as merely a means to an end.
  11. Quite interesting indeed to see the excuses someone comes up just to cover up his greediness.
  12. This is one of the differences that would influence my decision on using the seal.

    Your clan isn't the one in wc 'asking for help'. People come to your clan on their own and should respect the rules. In this case I would also because I asked to be there.

    But then there are the clans that 'cant' finish the eb they started and are publicly asking for help. They will fail without the assistance of outside help.

    Now if I saw this clan asking for help, I would be insulted if they pulled the "seals dropped here stay here" clan rule on someone who came in and help save them from failing their eb. Failing a 10 hour + eb sucks and can cost you members.

    If I was an owner/admin of said clan, I wouldn't say Jack to someone who responded to my request for help if they wanted to leave with the seal. Hell, I'd be thanking them.

    Seriously, sometimes it might be the clan that is being selfish. And sometimes it's individuals.

    Either way, this game is about conflict. So it's pretty stupid to insult/generalize someone's character in a game where we are supposed to pick fights with each other.

    Tl;DR, blah blibbity blah... Blah