Shortening of PvP Event?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. I've gotten 200 mith from the event already, I want it extended.
  2. If your posts aren't relevant to OP then please leave
  3. Sometimes when I try to pee I poop and support to shortening the event.
  4. I just saw this. How did I whine? In OSW, I don't have be active 24/7 because it isn't a competition where you get rewards in the end. This is completely different. I have a life and things to attend to, it's hard to stay in top 500 while in school 8 hours of the day
  5. I agree shorten event some of us have lives go to work or school or both and have real life issues and are just getting bored with this event. I dont have time to be on 8 hours a day or so i mean geez come on devs maybe give us a ubtouchable period where event is paused and no one wins to give us some resting time
  6. Was that your tz I saw in that ss? You really should be more careful ️
  7. I'm all for extending the event. No one said you had to be on 24/7, if you are enjoy your ban, lol. But it encourages a play style that made this game great 5 1/2 years ago. Gets people interacting with people again. And whether you farmed someone, got farmed, made an enemy or made a friend, it's all win/win.
    It's not being LCBC that makes this game fun, it's the journey getting there. Make it a memorable one
  8. Very umbalanced as being hit by 13k spy with no chance of responding. Is this event aimed at promoting an unfair and unbalanced game ?
    Event is too long try either 1,5 or 7 day event but more often maybe bimonthly that way people can learn and change build without being farmed by large builds
  9. Support. They shortened the shard hunt virtually by editing the reward reqs. Plus many prior events get edited mid event without warning. (Crap planning/Programming). Anyways. Why not continue on the same pattern of inconsistency? Thus, alleviating the booty hurt from this event by a few days will soothe much booty pain.

    And dev sell out/ lack of artistic game development will continue to be a point of contention.

    This game sucks anyways, forums and social activity only thing paying these dev foolios. Imagine if Kaw went all out and gave us something cool like...
  10. There is always a business model algorithm used to delegate resources towards future monetary value/profit. Kaw has a good base of loyal peeps that are being milked and exploited like a Canadian cow. Imagine an upgrade to this game . Wow.
  11. ATA made clear that the PvP event would last two weeks. When you cannot spend that much time you can start in the second week. 

    Its true that real life can be in the way while gaming. Thats the way it is. You know that when you make your decision to participate. 
  12. Woifie supports this, being a no life is no fun I wanna do other things than kaw
  13. Feel free to strip me. I'm a 5 mil cs hansel with 70 bil in allies. It wouldn't be hard. Yet, still no one has accomplished it
  14. For someone with that much stats you really should of learnt that the tz tells you the time of day nothing else... I shouldn't have to go on about people working night shifts, or people staying up for all hours the of night.

    But then again you're just another eb fairy who bought those stats. Don't talk about a system you know nothing about.
  15. Oh no... Eb fairies So called papers wants pvp event shortened, so they could go back to hit eb.

    No support - you all wanted pvp event... Live With it!
  16. Do you know who I am? No. I've warred so many times in the past 3 years I'm 5 mil cs with 13k battle losses. I've been in New Age, iG, and now am a prospect for LSA.

    I assure you, I am no eb fairy. Would you like to find out?
  17. Support...3-5 days is long enough to me, devs can just up the drop rates to adjust, don't see what schedule can't be changed if they increase all event drops by the same rate. i have nothing against pvp, its just the huge pause these events put on the more main focuses of the game... like the ee system or the gap balance for examples.
  18. Lololololololol
  19. So what's all this? 6 pages of people moaning about an event that they knew all about before getting into it?


    Also could you engage your brains? The top tiers are supposed to be difficult. If everyone could easily get the top equip then the whole thing would be pointless.
  20. Yes diffucult for people who actually have a real life. You may not understand what having friends and family and enjoying life outside of video games are