Shortening of PvP Event?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Don't even know ^
  2. Idk about you, but to be in top 500 I have to hit through school, all during the day and I'm still only at 10.2k. No xstals no exploit
  3. HEY HEY HEY!!!! Dont forget cast that pvp spell every hr. Exactly why even though pvp SHOULD b 3-5 days its weeks. Im not gonna stop growing and burn pot stashes for 2 weeks.

    Also this is the reason even though everyone likes set rewards devs go w top x amount instead. It forces u to fight (spend) until the end
  4. Honestly, I agree with this proposition. The pvp side is quite challenging and exhausting. That is, if your shooting for a high leaderboard rank.

    Otherwise it's really fun and exciting! Never gets old stealing someone's blade etc. :)
  5. Also help if the ancestral possession weren't dropped right as you go to bed
  6. Sorry if u want the event shortened ur just a wuss if u do. What's this the 3rd pvp event? It's nice to see ppl in osw get a lil bonus from the sword. NO SUPPORT!!!! At the end of the day most will go back to hitting eb's while ppl in osw continue on pvp. I suggest you learn how to hit someone with least pots used. Pst whining about war bla freaking wussy. Next thing ya know someone will want a repeat action button for hitting pvp.
  7. Its not being a wuss for wanting a shortened event. Many people on kaw have jobs, school, lives in general. Many of us who PvP see this as a bonus for our efforts while others think its a waste of time.
    That being said, shorter events would make less of an impact on people with lives and people that like to get sleep.
    The long events are a marathon that those who have the money and time to spend always win. This is why I as a player don't find much sense in competing for much in kaw because you have to pay to be ahead.
    Shorter events would be great for the 'normal' kaw players rather than aimed at rewarding only those who have nothing better to do than spend all their money and time on this.
    What's wrong with rewarding normal, regular, casual players?
  8. End pvp event now so i win lel
  9. I bet 1mill gold that they won't shorten the next event  they promise once before
  10. You're just getting sick of me pinning you truthfully aren't you ;) I agree it is fun for a week, but it's really exhausting especially when you're really trying to get and stay in the top 100, you just can't catch a break...
  11. Nice Try. You ain't getting outta a ass pounding bud,that ass is mine for another week.
  12. Real noble of ya to be hitting someone almost 1/3 of your own size.
    Can't be getting much from that, can ya? :lol:
    Only PvP noobs would mooch off of smaller players because they're too scared to actually challenge themselves. ;)
    It might be a little easier for you to stay on top if you didn't go for the smallest targets possible :lol:

    Come hit me hun <3 I love the attention
  13. I actually hit my owner also and those bigger than me. I just pin on the smalls when I have so little of my bars left ;)

    Also it's difficult to hit off your bl when all your lb is practically all kofte. All got more towers than mith can get through...that and when you get hit by people 30-40mcs you too might find it easier to hit just below the belt for easy helms :p
  14. Must not be hitting your size often if you're constantly pinning smaller kingdoms. ;)

    But that's enough. I'm not here to argue through forums xD I'd appreciate it in my nf ^.^
    Thanks for the pitiful inc <3
  15. :lol: I sent that email long before you were in my nf. It is annoying though lol. Especially when you steal my damn blade's :|
  16. Name one time you've hit me at all in this event except for the first day, then I might consider bantering with you
  17. Must be really fun xtling on Vamp huh?
  18. /Rekt
  20. Sometimes when I try to pee I poop instead.