Discussion in 'Wars' started by _____NIGHTWING_____, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Am Going abit of topic and with that am sorry how about a short war option with a non max number of clan members think of all all the active members slapping away to get max pay out from a short war, now that would be fun
  2. The wait isn't that bad, imagine how long it was when there was only a 48hr option. The system is in place to do what you want with not much time wasted. Why ask the devs to update a system that will hardly get used just for minor convenience
  3. I would like 12 hrs war tournanent. Anyway many FF at 12 hrs.
  4. If you guys are talkin bout waiting time, for 48 hour wars they couldve just started the war and forfeit after the amount of time that they wanted the war to be as long.
  5. @ greatness

    Please do note I'm only talking abput 6 hour wars.

    I came to KaW after the 12 hours wars were here so I'm not going to imagine the wait for 48 hours. I look at the present and future not the past. And I'm sure if there will be 6 hour wars I will hold some more... It may only be minor convenience but do remember a player will learn the most training clans, I'm sure there are some out there willing to teach these new players if they have the chance like me.. Also I'm sure I'll get this question so I help these players at the clan called; Empire Academy. A sub clan of Empire.
  6. i have gotten two mith for 100m or so plunder.. But i assassinated a **** load of times....
  7. But i support NW's statement all the way!
  8. You could always have the losing side FF at the 3 or 6 hour mark. There you have it. A player created 3 hour system war.
  9. Maybe 6 and 8 hour wars. They could be a quick source of a couple mith.
  10. @sting

    Again... Please do note I only talk about 6 hour wars.

    A FF is not the same as a win in my book. Also system war waiting times;
    12 hours - 4 hours
    24 hours - 8 hours
    48 hours - 16 hours

    Look at that it's divided by 3, I wouldn't want to wait 4 hours for a 6 hour war. It would be only suited to wait 2 hours for a 6 hour war looking at the other war options.
  11. A post script to my earlier note a shorter war would also make it easier for us in different time zones! As to sucking it up some of us cannot have our phone on us when working. Some consideration would greatly be appreciated.
  12. This can easily be abused bc of how short it is...everyone could be inactive in war easily without having to wait 47 hours to attack at the last 15 minutes while the other clan isn't active...however, if it is locked ppl can pin themselves then xtal last 15 min

    Why so hard to start a short war.
    Take the players active in clan to war clan. Post for opponent and organise. A 30 minute wait is more appropriate than wasting hours waiting and arranging set times.

    Farming and battle list does not team build which clans need.

    Exactley what people want sirissac why so against options that would encourage players to war??

    New players do not like the idea of osw or farming or being farmed. This is a suggestion to encourage people to try fighting other people as part of a team.

    It's not about changing kaw.
    Osw will always be in game as will farmers and battle list. This could just be another option people could use to enhance their kaw experience.

    Surely that must be good for the future of kaw.
    And here we get to see what ideas may or may not work.

    Preferably without resorting to shooting down people for opinions like some here have. I want to encourage war option. Not just see players forced to become eb heroes chasing shiny equipment.

    Very good issues have been raised in the first full forum both for and against.

    I agree there is a major benefit. And I understand concern of players thinking this may change kaw.

    Short wars would in no way change any existing factor of kaw. Merely add an enhanced feature for new or less experienced players. Or those with other commitments in life.

    The ideas put forward all have merit for and against and and some are well worth our time considering. If we can encourage players to war this will improve kaw for us all.

    Please all continue to put your thoughts into this and hopefully we can promote a good idea.

    And no I do not believe any clan would want to win a war by ff. Nor do I think it would be fair to ask players to waste hours waiting for a war to start.
  14. Support. If only for the fact I know how much of a strain a 24 hour war can put on family life and partners. granted, 48 hour wars were very very demanding (when I started that's all that was available) and the devs have listened and implemented shorter wars and other options, so they do listen... So an option of below 12 hour wars would be nice, if only to save a few relationships lol. Having said that, you can still have a 6 hour war, just agree that the losing side forfeits at the halfway point in a 12 hour war. Ps, I'm enjoying the summer wars a lot, 24 hours i think is fair for timezones though demanding, even though the majority are forfeited shortly after halfway.. So maybe that in itself tells you something...? Anyway, I love kaw, and I'd hate to have to quit myself due to the strain it does place on my family life. So asking for shorter wars should never be just dismissed , it is the players who keep the game going after all, wether they have a family or are a singleton with not much else to do, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

    I hope the devs seriously consider this. Many more players would war if time constraints were not do severe. How does this negatively affect those opposed? Can't see how it does. Would greatly benefit myself and my enjoyment of this game. Many seem to agree.

    Long, medium, short hour war option, both clans decide. Voila, goes to war. Not difficult, that's simple. Dev, u heard it. SUPPORT!

    Call them training wars and Use them as such. It would be fun for kids and adults alike.
    Since war isnt about profit and actually about inflicting losses the profit shouldnt matter as much.
     if some little guys get mith to use when they are grown.. Cool.

    Anyone not liking this idea has the right to but i can see the game benefiting from it in the long run.

    I sent an email to the devs and got the usual response plus a little personal laugh. Of course they dont guarantee this addition but all ideas are talked about and considered by them. They care about the game, Its users and there pockets.

    Remember- despite what many believe the devs DO read forums.
    They do care about the game and what people think.
    If something u dont like has been added or stays in the games then majority gave positive feedback or none most likely.
    Lets work together with our ideas and use constructive criticism to build them up.

