Discussion in 'Wars' started by _____NIGHTWING_____, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. I agree short war is good idea
  2. Lol who says noob. Ty sirissac. And just because you don't like the option doesn't mean others wouldn't.
    We don't all have time for 24 hour wars.
    But why should everyone be denied the OPTION to war.
    Surely trying to promote and encourage players to war is what we want in kaw.
    2-4 hour wars would be a vastly different optin available. Just something different. If players want 24 hours they do the 24 hours. If not then the short option is just that. An OPTION that would enhance the game for ALL players of kaw.
    Alas you seem to think that it's only for that can war 24 hours. Another option does not hurt the game. Ever more ebs do.
    Options allow people to choose. The more options. The better for the kaw community. Noob or experienced..
  3.  again where is the downside to a short war??? Does not seem to be one.
  4. And the turtling tactic has the game rigged for spy builds. Not sure what the best answer is for that but true. Atk builds that turtle have trashed the majority of their strength. Guess we should all convert to spy. Spy builds r fun in a sneaky smart cowardly kind of way. I prefer straight up fight but game is rigged against that currently.
  5. Ok here I go. I agree. Short wars are a great training rule but I'd like to see it for the lower half of clans who don't qualify for the weekend war. Just a suggestion on that one. However, it's a great way for smaller or newer players to get war experience. Also, Knight is right! Not everyone can be active for 24-48 wars. It's not gonna hurt Kaw or anyone else to have another options. We can't change how people earn their plunder as that will be a whole new "update" lol. Do you know how many HLBC that have no war experience? It's sad but true. It is a war game and who the heck wants to rely on the battle list? Hahaha! Right
  6. I do agree shorter wars could be positive for KaW, due to the fact the shortest one is now at 12 hours. When leading a sub clan of a family clan it's a bit much to ask 12 hours of their time. I mean there will be people willing to join but by far not all will want to sit and play for 12 hours straight. And don't forget the time zone, you always have to make sure it's not favorable to any of the both sides when organizing a war.

    It might be good for like a 6 hour war, either way I can't see why this shouldn't happen. 6 hours is do able if you like the game and it might help revive the war aspect.. I haven't been around here for that long but I do enjoy the wars purely because it's a team effort, you can't win it alone. Stick loyal to your clan and win together as a family, this is the way of Empire a family clan.

    Just my thoughts..

    Blue supports 
  7. Lmao battle cat it's not.
    But great views coming in everyone. Great ideas to add to it.

    Really lile tje lower than 200 clan option. And extra options choices.

    Be a good alternative to ebs for plunder if full troops became an option. Run that alongside Real wars.
    I see nothing but extra options and a win win situation.
    This would be a good move to help bring wars back to kaw.

    Thank you everyone for support or constructive ideas.
  8. I support nightwing's thought here. And also jenny has a really good point to this too. I mean if we can have a 12 hour system war why not have a little shorter war option. To the point where when it could be a training war for a little short war basic teaching on how wars go to smaller members. I think it would be a great idea assuming other people have work and kids to watch after as well. Have a 4 or 6 hour war taking from there time is much more appropriate than a 12 hour war which is basically half their day.
  9. I love to war but not able to due to the long hour warring system. Being student need to study, being man needs to work. Being human needs family life. Give me short hour war pls. :x
  10. Another thing none of you are considering...

    As hard as you think it is to organize your clan for a 24-48 hour war, imagine how hard it will be organize your entire clan for one specific time of day. People have different time zones, work schedules, school schedules, etc. I guarantee at least half a full clan roster will farms for the other side. Now did this solve the problem of system wars or just satisfy your own selfish need to have exactly what you want when you want it?

    The real solution would be to stop doing pointless system wars altogether and just start hitting another clan. Ironically, an OSW is much easier on your time schedule than a system war is. And if you want to change system wars, eliminate the time limit altogether and war until one side surrenders, with no bonus to the winner to avoid exploits.
  11. Short war would be a interesting option to play around with and devs to work on.. Like the idea. 
  12. @ SirIsaac,

    I do know how hard it is as I have done so before, you mention changing the system wars. I don't feel the need to change system wars. Like I said before, I lead a sub clan and my main focus there, is not to OSW. It's to help them teach them the KaW it is nowadays. Nonetheless... I'd like some practice wars so they can taste that aspect of KaW since I've seen they did enjoy the practice war that took place like a month ago. I've gotten request to do another but not only myself can' find the time to do so but also others... A 6 hour war would be more fitting for such wars.
  13. If you really want a shorter war why wouldn't you just declare a 12hr war and then wait until an agreed upon time to have people enter it? That way you could decide if you want it to be something like 8hrs or 3hrs.

    The idea that you want a short period to train new players on how to war would more than likely hurt them more than help. They wouldn't ever be prepared for any true war, system or osw. The small amount they could possibly learn could easily be explained in cc.

    The idea about troops never diminishing is absolutely stupid. Do you want to add a repeat button which you're at it? I could take a 500k attack build up against a build with 4mil defense and just repeatedly attack it. Of course I would lose most hits but since I have unlimited hits I would have a high number of wins that could generate a lot of plunder. What a great new strategy, constantly hit for several hours.
  14. Systems wars do suck, a lot more excitement if shorter...
  15. Reason why I don't support this:
    Would seriously spam up WC even more with all the [update]'s
    No real point to a 2-4-6 hour war. Make minimum money, there would barely be ANY preparation time for 2 or 4 hour wars, and I agree with people saying just farm people on the battle list. What do you think it's there for (even though barely anyone uses it anymore)?
  16. @ greatness

    So start a 12 hour war and let those accs rot in there doing nothing? Sounds real fun... Also don't forget the 4 hour wait time, if say I want a 6 hour war it would take 4 accounts and 10 hours of waiting before I can actually war?

    As for your second reason.. Words are only words, letting them do it is something different. After the training/practice war I set up they wanted more. They might not be fully prepared to everything yet but it's going at a good direction isn't it?

    As for the fully troop whole war, I do not agree on this.. Purely because it be a speed test who could hit more. I have only spoken about the 6 hours war lenght I wanted to clear that in this post.

    Blue 
  17. support.
  18. What would be the problem with the wait? You would be waiting for the decided start time either way, the only difference is that you initiate it earlier. People used to do this all the time before system wars were killed with the high tax and mithril pay out
  19. @ greatness

    Problem with the waiting time is the timezones I could start the war but I'd also need to guide them at start. When I start the war it would be nice to actually WAR longer then I have to wait for the warring itself.