Discussion in 'Wars' started by _____NIGHTWING_____, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Actually cor your arguing with everyone that wants to have rheir say and wont leave a valid discussion alone to see what players have to say. Why cant you back off and let players have their say in peace rather than try eland enforce your opinion on others. I have seen nothing you have said that enhances the suggestions om how to build team work in a clan. Just 1 on 1 battle list which is not even close to the idea proposed. LET THE GAMERS HAVE THEIR SAY IN PEACE OR IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FROM YOU!!!!!
  2. Skirmishes are in fact already in the game. They are what the 12 hour wars you like are called.
    If you believe the battle list is not a team-building option, then your clan has too wide of a range in stat differences, and thus will do terrible in a system war. Unless the point of wanting an in-war option is just to better farm mithril, or let small players farm HLBC OSFs and other forms of exploitation, it is better to just fight off of the battle list/not worth the effort and loss of UI space, especially if you want "bigger buttons". Also, shorter wars are not in place more because of a balance perspective. The shorter the wars are, they are that much easier to run a "perfect pin" war and win against conventional fighters and non-hansels. This is why the summer wars are 24 hour wars, and not 12 hour wars, and it is still so short that it favors hansel players/are pin wars. If you like, I will submit a counter-proposal, that is similar to what you want.
  3. Ooh a debate...
  4. You say I am arguing with everyone that wants to have their say, yet I post on so very few topics these days/am not very active on the forums, so how can this be? On this topic specifically, all I have done is offered constructive criticism, not argument as you so call it. I am indeed letting players have their say in peace, not walling them ingame and telling them to stop or be farmed or any such measure. Furthermore, I am not trying to enforce my opinion on anyone, merely looking offering my own "say" on the matter and not telling people they have to agree or that opponets must quiet themselves. In fact, I'm encouraging clarification, or that my posts be disproven or addressed if possible. I have not suggested anything that enhances the suggestions on how to build team work in a clan, because as of yet, this has yet to be asked of me. So far, all I have done is address posts by yourself attempting to stop me from having my own say on the matter in this topic. Once that is established, I will be happy to more contructively contribute to this topic. Is it too much to ask from you that you consider a moderator as a player for once, since they are one?
  5. Sending email now>
  6. Geez cor look at what you have posted here. 12 hours is too long for some get a life and let us have our say. Quit harassing cos you don't like the idea your out of line
  7. I don't even care what Cori thinks.
    Full supprt 
  8. My support for night wing give us options it means we can enjoy Kaw and still maintain family and work!
    Great idea Nightwing
  9. Hello. Welcome to the forums as I see this is your second post. Don't let people being hateful like Nightwing here get you down, there's a plethora of good things mixed in here with the bad, have no worries. For quick reference, some of the best things in each section are sticked at the top of the first page of each section :)
    To address your post though, like Nightwing, please explain how I am disallowing him from having his say? In fact, how am I harrassing? All I did was offer a single feedback post, and since then I have been on the backfoot almost the entire time in this topic, which Nightwing in fact telling me to be quiet and to shush, not the opposite. Indeed, I am letting him have more than his say by not telling him to shush, deleting his posts, or locking this topic(or moving it to a non-public section). I seek only a nice discussion on the original post, but as the op has denigned to go this route, I can but only reply. I do in fact like the idea behind the idea by the by, so not sure why you believe I dislike it entirely.

    EDIT: Welcome to the forums all of you below actually, including Nightwing:
    III_NIGHTWING_III Posts: 15/Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:41 am
    III_THE_DARK_KNIGHT_III Posts: 2/Joined: Tue May 08, 2012 9:45 pm
    -Phluro- Posts: 16/Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:58 am
    minimars Posts: 1/Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:04 am
    _Sinan_ Posts: 1/Joined: Wed May 09, 2012 5:58 pm
    Barcas Posts: 1/Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:19 am
    FF_JohnTheWonderer_FF Posts: 1/Joined: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:57 pm
    joey234 Posts: 40/Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:18 pm
    marsman0000 Posts: 1/Joined: Sat May 19, 2012 4:15 am
    HammeredSquirrel Posts: 6/Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:47 pm

    -night-hawk- Posts: 113/Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:10 am too -ish
  10. Fractals
    Kingdoms at war

    Dear developers and support,

    In reference to a forum post about shorter war options. I support this idea.

    As u well know many many many young kids play this game. Lots of ToU is designed to protect them(i think they are just as often the offenders of tou in realty)and make the game a little more kid friendly in gameplay. Ebs are kid friendly for sure. Wars could be also to a degree.

    Kids often have little to no attention span as do some adults. I propose a set of skirmishes that last as little s 3-6 hours to accompany the 12hr skirmish.
    Reason- wars are dieing off and the sw didnt go as well as id hoped but where very fun for me.

    Training children to play your game is something i do often due to my patience with them. The point of these short skirmish wars (maybe training wars) is to train new players without trapping them in an all day situation they may hate or not understand.

    Ata thanks for listening to your users and taking our feedback and ideas as they come. I know u check forums Despite what some say as i have received Kaw notification post on some of my forums post that had better points or made u laugh.. Such as my abraham lincoln top hat equipment dream...:)

    Sincerely, ***
    This is how approach the devs in email. I LOVE this game and anything that can give me better tools for training would be a blessing. So many clans would be willing to participate in these.
    please support!
    Its for the shorties!!!!

    Side note
  11. Cor
  12. Remember though cor that we aren't all public speakers/writers u have a great ability to keep ur thoughts focused on ur train of thought.

    I agree with the op that alot of us have lives and responsibilities in life... Families/jobs ect and the way the economy is ATM means most of us here work 6 days a week and this leaves 1 day and a few hrs of an evening the 12 hrs wars still take alot away in time.

    I can see a shorter skirmish beneficial to some in our kaw community and if it helps to promote war in this eb world then I support.

    Also cor it is nice to see u commenting again I was only suggesting being warmer in ur comments perhaps offer a bit of praise before the criticism 
  13. Lol delete my brothers post that your totally wrong right cor. What a surprise. NIGHTWING is my brother you are the hater that won't give gamers the chance to have their say. Do you ever tire of being tong. And thanks to some of my clan supporting the idea. Sure more will later.
  14. As my bro said. Who's the one to threaten to lock thread and delete posts. That you deleted. Your in the wrong with what you did cor and we all know it.
  15. He didnt "threaten" that. And he could lock this thread at anytime. Arguing about cor has taken the thread off topic.

    Bringing it back to topic:

    Short wars would have next to no payout in Mith. If players really wanted to have the same experience, all they would have to do is talk with the opposing clan and ask for a 6 hour osw.
  16. Agree. Keep this a clean thread. Its a good idea. Just needs structure and support us patience:)
  17. Most Small players cant use mith also. Lol hmmm gotta think about that one..
  18. I have yet to delete a post in this topic. I do believe you are making up a falsehood at this time. Also, I have been regularly refreshing this topic every 10 + minutes or so, and have yet to see him post, or I would have replied like I have here. Also, as someone else said, I specifically stated I was not deleting or locking topics or posts, and that Nightwing is the person who is indeed being the aggressor here. Also, I do believe you mean "you're" as a friendly tip.
  19. Yes!!! To short war option!! Im a perfect example of op point. I have 3 kids and a full time job. A 12 hour war is almost impossible for me to partake in. Getting away for two or four hours to concentrate on war is much more possible. Warring is great fun and I'd love to do more. Won't much if 12 hours or longer. And warring is far different than hitting off the battle list so that's apples and oranges.
  20. To those that oppose I say this. Don't join a short war. That would be your option. I would have the option to join. Everybody wins if implemented.