Shootings - Is Protesting Fair?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. Apparently, they don't know how to walk either

    "NYPD report: Most of those 'stopped and frisked' are minorities

    Nearly nine out of 10 people "stopped and frisked" under a controversial New York Police Department policy in 2011 were African-American or Hispanic. The data comes from a report released by the NYPD Monday, which showed that of the 685,724 stops made by police that year, 53% of those questioned were black, 34% were Latino, 9% were white and 3% were Asian.

    The citywide population in 2011 was 23.4% black, 29.4% Hispanic, 12.9% Asian, and 34.3% non-Hispanic white, according to the report." ... and-frisk/

    Here's the funny thing:

    White People Stopped By New York Police Are More Likely To Have Guns Or Drugs Than Minorities ... inorities/
  2. If they wouldn't dress like 50cent or Snoop Dog or other guys signing about how cool is to be a gangsta they wouldn't be treated as such.
  3. Basically what this guy said. Except smarter.
    There's more than race involved in how a person looks that would qualify them to be searched.

  4. See? The guy in the car is white. So no racism is involved.
  5. Lol.

    Here are a few things I've noticed/exp over my years:

    People see African-Americans in the street talking and they'd say it's a drug deal.

    If an African-Amercian has a gun, it's not probably not registered.

    If I walk past some white people, they'd look at me like I'm going to rob them. One time, I was at a church for a meeting. I go there every Thursday and I see these women I just wave at every time I see them. Walk past them once and they clutch their purses tight.

    If there is a group of white people standing outside a movie theater with only a handful of blacks, the cops would approach the blacks for the entire group.


    Bottom line is, people think they already have a sense of black people. But that sense, is of the ones who stay in the ghetto. Or the "West, East, South" side of town.

    The majority of hard working blacks get pushed to the side. No one wants to see that. They want to see the blacks that aren't doing anything as to justify themselves.

    Perception is a closed circuit for the majority, and an open plain for a few. Do not allow your views to remain unchanged like it will stand true at all times.

    But hey. It's America. Let your views be as screwed up as you want.
  6. I can understand your point but you see I do think it is fair.

    In some instances there is genuine racism I mean that's just undeniable yet there are some that are completely over dramatised by the media.

    And if people genuinely believe that it IS racism then I can understand the urge to protest.
  7. I wasn't aware that dressing like Snoop Dog was a legal basis to be targeted by the police.

    DOJ statics show that if you're black, you're 31% more likely to be pulled over, 81% more likely not to be given a reason, and 174% more likely to be searched. Those are facts. How you're dressed has nothing to do with. Chris Rock has been pulled over three times in seven weeks this year.

    He doesn't look like he's dressed as a "gangsta" to me.

    Furthermore, I'm white and I live in the south. I know first hand that the police target blacks more than whites. They do it my town too. There's just as much criminal activity going on the poor white part of town as there is in the poor black part of town, but the cops hang out in the black areas and leave the white areas pretty much alone.

    The bottom line is, if the cops were camping out in your neighborhood and pulling you and your friends over all the time, or stopping you on the streets while virtually ignoring everyone else, you'd be flipping outraged.

    You know and I know it.
  8. Ok. I get it. Damn cops putt more effort to protect people in black areas than to protect people in white areas.
  9. Why wouldn't cops stop and frisk/pull over black people? Because unfortunately most times when a black person is stopped or pulled over the cops find something illegal, why wouldn't they do it having such high chances?

    And as for protesting its just moronic. Someone gets shot which is terrible but basically their response to this is someone got shot lets burn our town down and make even more innocent people miserable.

    And my final point is that the mentality we have right now is "us and them" we need to get rid of that. That will only make things worse.
  10. Right.

    Kinda like how they were protecting them by not allowing them in towns after dark, keeping them in separate schools, giving them separate bathrooms and drinking fountains, and making them sit in the back of bus.

    You know, for their own good.
  11. Own bathrooms at school? Own fountain? Less line to pee? Less line to drink water?I like it. I like to sit in the back of the bus too. So many privileges and you call that racism? And going to town in the night is dangerous. They deserve to be protected.
  12. Here's what amuses me about racists. Most of them are cowards.

    Most racists are too afraid to come right out and say they're racist. They hide it using anonymous internet screen names. They hide it behind innuendo and dog whistles. Here's that idiot Wayne LaPierre from the NRA the other day talking about Hillary Clinton:

    "As he prepares to leave office and leave his final legacy, there's no telling how far President Obama will go to dismantle our freedoms and reshape America into an America(n) [sic] that you and I will not even recognize. And when he's finished, he intends to go out with the coronation of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Yeah, I have to tell you eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough."

    Demographically symbolic? Come on Wayne, grow a pair and just come right and say "black". He won't though, because hey, he's not a racist. I know better. I won't even get into how insulting that comment is to women. We're talking about race, not misogyny.

    I've dealt with these kind of clowns all my life. If i had a dollar for every time I was with a white person who talked trash about black/Hispanic people after a black/Hispanic person left the room, I'd be rich. In public, they're always politically correct. In private, they're racist as hell. Why? Because they're cowards. This isn't to say all whites or only whites are racists. No one group has a monopoly on racism. But almost ALL racists are cowards. They're afraid to come right out and say what they really think and feel. And you know why that is? Because deep inside their peanut sized brains, they know it's wrong and most people will tell them that. They're afraid of being shunned so they don't have the guts to show their true selves to the world. So they hide it.

    Because they're cowards.
  13. Akura :roll:

    The point of spectate school/water fountains/bathrooms, etc. were to segregate everyone else from the white community because they felt anyone with a skin color other than white were less than them.

    Instead of separating people on skin color, maybe people should be treated as equals and have right to choose where they wish to educate themselves, eat, drink, or urinate.

    Crazy, right? I know.
  14. I want to urinate on a tree on Central Park. I can't? Why? Just because I'm white?
  15. Anyway... Enough trolling.
    Now to be serious.

    If racism would be so widespread all over the south I think the Klan would be more active and not just a pathetic joke as it is today.
  16. so I guess what your saying is there's no reason to protest against anything then? If you cant protest against a human life then no point protesting for animal rights, war, jobs cuts, etc etc
    .....because people are killed daily by police.....and jobs are lost daily....human rights are abused daily....yeah lets all go home and accept it........ :roll: :roll:
  17. Protesting is one, rioting and looting are something else.
  18. No, I'm saying that the "racial shootings" aren't racial, and that's why they're being protested. And that's why it isn't fair.
  19. Maybe they're "racial shootings" and maybe they ain't.

    I wasn't inside the cops head so I can't say for sure a shooting was racially motivated or not. But from my perspective it sure seems like there's an awful lot of unarmed blacks being killed and beaten by the police lately. And not just blacks. They're killing and beating unarmed people of other races too.

    I understand that being a police officer is a difficult and dangerous job, but if they're that afraid for their safety that they're gunning down unarmed citizens wholesale, then they need to find another line of work. Most British cops don't even carry guns. Wilson fired more shots at Brown than the total all British police officers discharged for the whole year in 2013. Police need to be better screened before being hired and better trained afterwards. All of them should wear body cameras.

    What's not "fair" is a mother calling the cops to say she needs help with her mentally ill son and the cops show up and blow him away. That's happened TWICE this year already*. In both cases the cops KNEW they were dealing with mentally ill people. One had a screwdriver and the other had a broom handle. Both were shot to death by the cops.

    Enough is enough.

    (*EDIT: Lavall Hall was shot in February. Jason Harrison was shot last June. That's two in 10 months, not two this year.)
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