"The medical examiner later found that a chokehold resulted in Garner's death, but also that asthma, obesity and cardiovascular disease were contributing factors." http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6277790 "Members of the New York City Police Department will NOT use chokeholds. A chokehold shall include, but is not limited to, any pressure to the throat or windpipe, which may prevent or hinder breathing or reduce intake of air. In essence, in their respective charging decisions, the CCRB and the Department Advocate redefined a “chokehold” to require force to the neck during which an officer actually and substantially interfered with a complainant’s breathing rather than “pressure” to the neck which “may” interfere with breathing. In this respect the chokehold rule “mutated” to adapt to the NYPD disciplinary process, rather than the disciplinary process following the NYPD rule." http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/won ... ing-filed/ Again, had the man not used what he used, he would be alive.
True his death was tragic, but Gardner put himself in that situation by actively resisting. It's fine if you don't agree with me. But this truth is shared by the city of New York legal system, the FBI, and the DOJ
Of course it is fine. I care not if you do or not. The truth is, no one knows how come the man didn't get indicted. He should have for using such a move. But whatevs.
Op your a moron. Most protests happen because no weapon was found on the person shot by the pigs! And this isnt a case of race u moron. They protest for human rights jackass. The people coming out to protest are of all races.
No he should not. He was justified in using force to meet an active resister. The only people that believe he should have been indicted are those that don't understand the law. If the officer was able to articulate the totality of the circumstances, he could be found justified in using such a hold.
If I used something that is banned, I can go to jail or get a fine. A cop can do it, kill a man, and be ok. America
There is a big conspiracy by the FBI, DOJ, local authorities to kill black men. The DOJ is run by a black man though, even if it wasn't... You don't think this sounds far fetched lol
Death is justifiable apparently but a citizen prolly faces at least manslaughter charges n pays for his own lawyers n maybe get off.
Cowards with badges. There's plenty of non lethal ways to neutralize a suspect. Cops these days are just cowards.
Lol. I hate when people say that the man in charge is black. That make you feel better? Lol. Have you seen the DOJ report on ferguson? They use african americans as an ATM.
Again.. The officer is protected by the LEO force continuum established by state and federal constitution. Private citizens can not operate under the scope of a police officer
If any real civil rights violations occurred there then some arrests would have been made. There would be lawsuits. That report was appeasement because the Obams administration made promises about Fergusion that they couldn't keep once the truth actually came out