Shootings - Is Protesting Fair?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. First off, I'm not being racist if that is what you mean. I justified my opinion With non-racial arguments.

    Second of all, / lock

    I already requested it.
  2. Racist scum
  3. You're what the media loves, someone who will listen to whatever something on television will tell you.

    There is two sides to the story, what the media told and what actually happened.

    The media said the cop's motive for shooting Michael Brown was because he was a minority. This is bullcrap. He shot him because Brown was all-out brawling with the cop, and cops only use shooting when they can't get to their pepper spray or taser and all other methods have failed, and as one post said, A white cop shoots a white person, no media outcry, A black cop shooting a white person, meh, there's a little, but when a white cop shoots a minority, the media immediately airs it and pulls out the "racist cop" card.

    What actually happened was pure and simple, it was self-defense. Not all citizens who break the law are compliant. If they pick a fight, there are three tools a cop could use, his pepper spray, his taser, and his gun. Usually cops are trained to use this as a last resort, well this cop believed it was, and shot Michael Brown.

    Don't be an idiot. The media loves that.
  4. So you think you shouldn't be allowed to protest the death of a member of your community ?

    Does that same logic apply to other groups holding protests ? Bunch of angry white folk screaming about taxes government power and people taking their guns ?
    Religious nutjobs abusing women over a choice they are having to make in horrible situations ? What about the hatemongers with horrendous, abusive signs screaming bile and vicious slanders against the families of dead service men?

    But you are complaining about a community not these other examples, then say but it's not about race . Somewhat limits your credibility .
  5. Protesting is fine and dandy but when it involves blatant disrespect of the law that's were people need to stop

    People protest peacefully all the time but protesting against something that was known to be false or just out right disrespecting the laws that have been put in place to keep the community safe is not right at all

    I'm no where near racist, it's pretty sad that a wanna be thug gets shot and their family members say but he was an angel and didn't deserve to die right he didn't deserve to die but at the same time he was no angel

    Some where along the way we as people have forgot what respecting others is like. I can't stand a police officer but I will respect the person because that is how I was raised.

    Lack of respect causes chaos in a world full of people

    Police officers are people and they are doing a job yes that job may involve writing a ticket or putting someone in jail but it is still a job no different than any other job police officer are trained to stop the threat of you don't act threatening to them they will do their job and go about their business but if you act a fool then they are gonna act a fool and it may not end well.
  6. So no more tea party protects against the ACA ? No more abuse at abortion clinics ? No more pseudo science climate change deniers screaming torrents of crap about accepted science ??
  7. The argument from the other side is simple.

    Damage their reputation. Bring up the same argument. And say that everything they're doing is stupid.
  8. And it's funny. You had that obviously racist guy ok here and no one from your camp said anything. But if someone calls the OP racist, he's a media pawn.

    Ehhh, OP requested a lock.
  9. You just described like 5% of the GOP.
  10. I think people are tired of the crybaby racist card being played. every time something happens to a black guy, whether its his fault or not, everyone is suddenly racist. stop making excuses and handle your business.

    its always their fault btw :lol:
  12. Locked per op request
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