Shootings - Is Protesting Fair?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. I don't someone can deny that police brutality escaladated past years. Or did actually escaladated? Isn't the coverage of media and social media that brings more events into public agenda?

  2. This is 2015 every race in America has the same opportunity that white people have we all are able to go to school get a job work for our money no one has a better chance to do anything black or are not the minority any more and haven't been in a long time, people have to choose the way they want to live. If they want to live as the dope boy on the street that is their choice but to say that America has not changed from the way it was over 200 years ago you are wrong

    The NAACP Is just like the klan except for the fact that the klan hung people and the naacp don't in a literal sense but when they are always involved in something the person either has to move, looses their job or labeled some how so that is tech. Hanging someone in today's world with out haveing to actually do it

  3. Racism is taught and certain groups think they have an entitlement to everything anyone have reguardless if they work for it or not
  4. QUOTE: This is 2015 and every race has the same opportunity as white ppl have.

    What a moronic statement saying ethnics n whites r separated as being a race.
    Its obvious u r Caucasian off low education.
  5. Caucasians, asians, blacks are all different races. Nothing wrong with his statement.
  6. Too bad America dropped the ball that Lincoln brought to the game.
    Sad sack racist society that cannot clean up its own back yard.
    Enact laws against the minority of rednecks giving the majority a bad name.
  7. Caucasians, asians, blacks are all different races. Nothing wrong with his statement.[/quote]

    Can u not call a race by its proper name or u only know Caucasian?
    Prolly why u cannot comprehend my point.

    Is a Turk Asian? An Israeli? A Saudi?

    Asia is a continent try opening an atlas.

    Caucasian Mongoloid Negroid r races
    Bill Gates, Genghis Khan, Muhammad Ali
  8. Police are humans too. If ever they feel that their safety is in danger they will shoot. It's part of their job to protect everyone including themselves.
  9. Yes and no.

    Where you start on the ladder has a lot do with how far you'll climb. Is it possible to start at the bottom and make it to the top? Yes, but that's the exception not the rule.

    In 2013 the average wealth of white households was 13 times the median wealth of black households. For whites it was $141,900. For blacks it was $11,000. It's a hell of a lot harder to get ahead when you're starting from that far behind. And yes, discrimination and racism is a factor in that disparity. Does this mean that the black community's problems are all being caused by whites people and racism? No, it doesn't. Some of it being caused by poor personal and cultural choices.

    About 72% of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock vs 29% for whites. The black teenage birth rate is twice the rate it is for whites. Those statics aren't helping the black community and they aren't being caused by racism. They're caused by poor personal choices. Then we have poor cultural choices, aka, the "thug" life. Embracing a cultural that glorifies violence, drug use, treating women like crap, and disdains education doesn't help anyone, no matter what color you are. Young blacks who choose it ain't helping themselves. Besides, most of it is bull. As Natasha Leggero pointed out recently "All these rappers on stage and Martha Stewart has done the most jail time."

    Having said that, there's no denying that blacks are being systemically and deliberately targeted by the police in many places, and much as I think the "thug" look looks stupid, it's not a reason to shoot someone. Justice is supposed to be blind, we're all supposed to be equal, and all citizens are supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Right now, that's not happening and it needs to be fixed.
  10. Natasha Leggero makes an analogy from rappers to Martha Stewart who cares about an asinine comparison.
    What the heck does that even mean?

    Bottom of the ladder yes eg Slavery n human rights all not their doing. Racism n preferential hiring n stereotyping according to your stats.

    NCAA exploitation of athletes so another hinderance.

    No mention of the stigma created.
  11. Average medium income for everyone that is in the middle class is from 30-70k a year where did you get your numbers from. Blacks whites Chinese, African, and other people from different countries can have the same opportunity as anyone here in the United States it's called raise your standard of living. I was living on 1000$ a month to pay a house payment car insurance phone bill electricity water gas and food while I was in college getting my degree. I survived on student loans and doing side work. ANYONE IN THIS COUNTRY CAN HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES it's all how you take it determination and focus is key to making a better lifestyle instead of relying on one full time job at minimum wage get another till you can make it on one full time job go to school better yourself what the problem with this country is people have gotten lazy saying well the government will pay for me to live eat and what extra I have I can go to the club get my hair done nails done which is not a a need it is a want you want a better life then make it better
  12. Middle class is defined as 50k plus a year, last time I checked.
  13. Life is a game of choices if you choose to make it better for you then it will get better if you choose to act like a "thug" look like a "thug" you will be treated like a "thug"

    As far as police officers shooting "people" that is all the media is interested in they don't care about the little baby that was murdered by two "thugs in savannah Georgia in broad daylight because he wasn't black they don't care about the other people who are white getting shot by police because that does not make their ratings go up

    If you respect the police officer as a person and not a badge with a gun things will turn out differently

    I have been on both sides of the law I sold dope in the street was followed by police officer even arrested by the police but I always gave them respect for doing their job not all police officers are out there to kill someone. Yes I agree that police officers need to be solving more crime than looking for crime but they do what they are told to do
  14. Protesting anything is a waste of time
  15. it doesn't say income. It says average wealth. There's a difference. Income is how much money someone makes. Wealth is how much money someone is worth. The numbers come from here: ... recession/
  16. I always avoid these debate threads.
  17. it means there's a lot of fake "gangsta" rappers out there rapping about how much money they made living the thug life and what hard core killers they are that were never thugs and never shot at anyone. And there's a lot of stupid people that believe them and want to be like them.
  18. Deleted because of lock
  19. /lock

    It died and was bumped
  20. If only the blatant racism would die along with the thread.
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