sheltering todays youth

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kissmyaxe, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. You never know
  2. A child in California was Punished during Gay Pride Day, when a Teacher wore a gay pride shirt, as did many other students.
    One girl wore a Confederate Flag Belt Buckle, as is her right to do, and the teacher told her to put it away, as he deemed it insensitive.
    Another student stood up and said that he was a Christian, and that Homosexuality was insensitive to his religion.
    So what did the teacher do?

    He suspended them both, including the girl for refusing to take the buckle off.

     If you want sources, by all means ask.
  3. Faith of them? Have you not seen how reckless a lot of today's teens are? They are too focused smoking pot because "it's cool"
  4. I never heard of that, what a prick.
  5. He got an Award from some teachers association for Something. I forget what. I'll look it up.
  6. Wow that's bs
  7. You're letting some people distort your view on everyone, something you shouldn't allow.
  8. I said "a lot of teens" not all teens