Shark-Nado Epic Battle

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by King-Arthurs-Corp, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Equipment Drops:

    Dragon Chestplate

    This Equipment Drop will be for the BODY Equipment Slot

    Level 1

    Attack: 4,000,000
    Attack Defense: 8,000,000
    Spy: 2,000,000
    Spy Defense: 6,000,000
  2. I feel like a shield should have more def than Atk same as spy def
  3. ^Shark ChestPlate, not Dragon Chestplate...
  4. The following, could serve as a:

    -Limited Time Epic BATTLE
    -Permanent Epic BATTLE
  5. The Equipment could be upgraded with the following:

    -Aqua and Inferno



    Aqua and Inferno with Mith