A lot of people really do whine about it geez, I did scout bomb...... Gotta do something lol..... Mickey your a dirty gamer, much respect big guy..... People quit whining you agreed to volley lol
Good people trying to do a good thing to help someone out?!? Support for op,nice thread. Mickey knocks will get what he is owed don't worry, just a matter of time
DTW Because he's being pinned by 100 clans dude. There has been numerous threads posted on him, and idiots keep falling for it. He makes 1t a day on these deals. He's a perm farm for .Alpha. and a few other clans, and he don't care. He's still making money.
Stop this slander! Mickey has never scammed anyone! Ever! He's just good at allie trading. Plus I'm probably his alt
Lol willies right. It's gotten to the point I don't even really have to self pin anymore. The KaWmunity has that covered lol. But I know we all remember what Charlie says. And I quote "U CAN'T KEEP A GOOD DOG DOWN" I adapt. I evolve. I'm here to stay
That wasn't for u bigdog. Ur a horrible little chihuahua. All bark, little yapper. And dun be too sure of who is my alt and who isn't. U never were good at guessing my Alts
Mickey is a total frickin rockstar from mars! And he's bipolar. And he's a high priest Vatican assassin warlock. and he's a pocket god addict :lol:
Little yapper? ask cynder and tech9 to SS their news feed to ya painful.. And yet they don't hit back?? I ask my self why? Ummm ??
Lol you gotta give him credit it's pretty freaking smart.I actually scammed someone yesterday because of his ideas and the guy got ButtHurt and called me a "KnobHead"
He told me he was gonna make me buy a 7 bil ally or steal it from me. After 5 hours and only taking 1.5 bil he stopped hitting me.
Yeah mickey talks big! Hits little. Glad to see he has threatened others but not backed up his threats lol