I was once a "shadow hansel" and then I started to upgrade to volery so that made me a volery hansel?.... Ofcourse there is more plunder from sos now.. as far as im aware guild hanels were better for building banks and plunder. In the plunder war era they were fabulous and before the pwar era they were great at war if you didnt want much incoming but wanted to be brutal. "Shadow hansel"... thats just noobs trying to look fancy.. If anything call it sos hansel - for less effort and there is less letters
Backing up panda! And agree rox lol. I wouldn't expect the same kind of nerf if I were you, they will probably just find a way to change plunder to be based on owned lands than the actual buildings. Much fairer.
That ummm, that is how it is, hence why lower tier buildings pay less, I they do the same to SOS as they did guilds, then people would just do vol l1, and they would do the same thing. In the long run you would end up with 20m cs hansels being unable to hit 26 m attack builds, do you think that's an intelligent way to make the game?
Hm, take what you said "Vol level 1" Using that, remember only HL can hold Vols. That in itself gets rid of what you were thinking
I'm not trying to win, just think through everything. I personally am kinda mad I already ug all my SoS to level 3
We'll not really, because if they do as they did to guilds, to SOS, then that either 1. Lowers the hit range and plunder of a 'normal' hansel, or 2. Forces normal hansels to change they're lowlands So no, it doesn't change my point at all really. Unless they unlock vol on lowlands, they can't change SOS
I'm tired of people saying GH suck in war. I don't do bad. They can be just as deadly but can't hit that high is all
Lmao soup!! Do not listen to biggets. My very first war build was an hansel. It was potted up to hell. Used properly and a hansel is epic. I prepped the strips in my time. Burnt the pots on my tiny hansel, kept players 0'd and I was/still am mouthy git. The only people who do not like hansels are eb noobs and thats because they do not understand a true hansels nature. Pure spy's will know what im saying.
Oh and anybody who actually is reading this thread, the devs tricked you all with the GH nerf. Anyways, I rather a good attack build w/ sdt or maybe a vol hansel with sdt on HF myself.