SH should switch to...

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by renamed473, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Can someone explain the playstyle behind PS? So with SH it was hit bigger people, get a lot of loot from them, but they cannot get much from you. With PS it is get a lot of spy KOs?
  2. We could destroy sh while still being
  3. Also sh can't attack u
  4. We would be just a smaller version
  5. I messaged Dali MyName.
  6. Dude I love this idea we should make a clan me and you and recruit small ps instead of sh
  7. And see if we could match an sh clan
  8. You're welcome.
    Get unsilenced and don't mess up again. Seriously, I barely ever use WC unless I see some friends on it.
  9. lol I got your message myname. thanks!
  10. This is exactly what Ive been saying since the start of s3 "ps is the build to be after the sh gets useless" but its a great idea to start converting now
  11. Thanks to the primal wars...
  12. Won't ps leak gold to sh once they get plunder? You'll leak more than you earn.
  13. Nope u bank right after kos... That's part of being a ps
  14. Hiresman, i dont think a leak less than 1k will do much