Discussion in 'Wars' started by Spilatch, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. This is suppose to be a free war game for everyones enjoyment but from day 1 of ee every change has excluded more and more people. As well as roster munipaltion theirs only one fix.

    go back to 25-40 man rosters with RANDOM match ups. Let the kaw gods decied who you match. If clans cant control who they match this roster tweeking will end.

    as well will get more clans envolved. Season 1 use to have 100 clans sign up now were down to 20-30 cookie cutter clans as otherz got tired of constant no matches.

    Most games you earn equip,perks,skills to make you stronger not in kaw world we unequip to get easy match? Eliminate the ability to do this by random matches. Allow all to enjoy the game
  2. No it's the hs and gh plunder manipulation that is frustrating.
    OP was not a cool guy this day
  3. Lol gh plunder issue been dead for a long time.
  4. All sh roster is just a way to show devs junk about hit ratio in wars on matchups. I rest my case.