Sexy Warriors recruiting

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by ViXy, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Support. Awesome thread vix. Good luck
  2. support! support! support!
  3. Thanks loves
  4. Hi I'm benny
  5. Needs more sex. Also what does 5 mcs adt and sdt mean? Does that mean 2.5 mil each cause their combined? If not, don't call it cs.
  6. 5 mil adt 5 mil sdt thanks frog
  7. Super support!! <3

    You have the potential the be the best!
  8. Support 100%
  9. Support.
  10. Nice thread Vix. Support to a good friend 
  11. Support for my friend vix!!! GL hun
  12. Sexy thread all the support in the world 
  13. What's stat requirement
  14. Wishing you the best. Hurrah for making more experienced warriors . See ya on the field 
  15. Thanks for support
  16. Great clan, full of experienced warriors, and great peeps, support,
  17. support vix  wish you a Great War season, I'll be watching  hahahaha 
  18. Soooooo sexxxxy 
  19. Much more effort out into this than previously, support and good luck :mrgreen: