
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 4, 2015.

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  1. I support gay rights. I never really cared actually. If you're gay, that's fine. If you're straight that's fine. I'm okay with that.

    However I was thinking about it, and I wonder why gays exist. That sounds weird, but as a species, that wouldn't make sense. If the goal of a species is to reproduce and create offspring, wouldn't, in our case, homosexuals be counterproductive? Why aren't all humans just male -> female, female -> male?

    I still support gays and I believe you should be who you are. Any answers to my question though?

  2. 
  3. It's just a way of thinking, grim. Their minds decide to be attracted to the same gender
  4. @Grimm

    You have to tread carefully when you talk about the "reasons for being gay", but experiments done in the animal world has shown that overcrowding does lead to unusual sexual behavior amongst mice. Often a dominate male will form a harem while the unlucky males look to each other for comfort.
  5. Meh the 90's are over no one cares about your sexuality
  6. I heard in a podcast that homosexuality can simply be a fetish.
  7. Lmfaoo burn

  8. Ppl like you are the reason we are dealing with all this messed up stuff. Parents raise there kids these days encouraging from birth that its okay to be homosexual or lesbian.. if you just tell them how it suppose to be you dont run into problems. As for being born that way, that is false! it is the invironment they grow up in and or how they were raised. rather than saying 'son if you wanna put your ***** in another boys poopshooter go right ahead :)))
  9. If you actually look at the animal kingdom nearly all species interact with the same sex
  10. Theres many different types.. 3 examples gays that are gay, straight guys that cant get laid so get gay, guys that that only like taboo things, why do people try to explain this kind of stuff in terms of black and white clarity
  11. I've yet to see any structured arguments from people explaining their beliefs, it's just been simple "oh gays! Run! They offend me by breathing", and of course, "we didn't choose to be gay! That's how we were born."

    Explain both sides, so maybe the ignorant can have clarity.

    Everything in life is a choice, this included being homosexuals, heterosexual, pay sexual, asexual, and the rest. People will argue this, however, as I believe someone stated earlier, all humans are born with the same brain, same capabilities of love, and desires from day 0.

    It is their environment that changes these aspects of life. Growing up in a Christian home, will nine times out of ten, lead to the child being of a Christian influence. Meaning that, as they have been taught, they believe heterosexuality is the right way to progress in nature. Unless you're from Texas and the ****** is too much. (I'm joking relax)

    However, let's say you were raised in NYC, a cook pot of varying cultures, the environment there will lead you down another path than person A who grew up in a Christian family. This would allow you to explore different cultures and ways of living life, which could lead you to think, "Daymn that guys hot, didn't know guys looked that good. I wonder what he'd look like naked" etc...

    But nowhere along either path were you forced to make a decision. (I don't understand that some people in extremely religious homes are force fed their religion by shoving it down their throat, I am just wanting to use a regular upbringing.) Each person decided to choose what haircut they'd like, what food to eat, film to see, subjects to do, college to aim for, and of course who to love.

    So I personally believe your sexuality is a choice, and you have the right to choose as you wish.

    What I don't like is the prosecution of those choices, by both parties. But the world is a crap hole, so what can you do.
  12. This is the ridiculous response - that the LGBT community is somehow harming the rest of the world by wanting equal rights and not to be discriminated against and persecuted.

    Heterosexuals are still allowed to marry, no-one will be fired from their job simply because they are heterosexual, gangs of gays do not target and beat up straights, students do not commit suicide from being tormented for being heterosexual, etc . . . .

    The only people who are experiencing a bit of backlash, are the bigots who spit bile against gays the same way racists do. If they would accept their own feelings, and not force their racist or bigoted views on others, there would be no problem, and we wouldn't need this conversation.

    As a side note, I have neen playing this game for a while now, and this type of conversation has come up repeatedly. You, cheese, have always been extremely vitriolic and hateful towards gays, including all the bogus comparisons with beastiality and such - and you know it, even if those old threads are locked or lost. Be bigoted, it's your right, but don't use the fake "I used to support them until" trope to try to boost your credibility in this matter.
  13. Just to clarify for some folks here......

    In all my responses I have taken a firm stance against the homosexual preference because I believe it is not natural and life did not intend for the same gender to be "together". Many of my core beliefs stem from these basic principles.

    It is how I feel and I will put it out there and stand strong just the same as anyone marching in a gay pride parade stands proud of their beliefs and stands strong.

    I find it funny how it's acceptable and noble to stand for something not exactly the social norm but it's discrimination to stand on the other side of the line.

    Anyway I also want to clarify that I have NOT ONCE been hateful or harassed anyone on this thread for their beliefs. I've ONLY stood my ground on what I find right. So please don't sit there and tell me I am hating or being ignorant over insecurities when I am strictly standing on my beliefs. I have done none of those things. That is ignorant in itself:)
  14. yup ur not offensive at all (giggle) not even just 2 pages ago (wink)
  15. That response was based of the predisposition theory because of chemical imbalances. I'm sorry you didn't make that connection.
  16. Why would you choose to be gay?Your not born that way.I have known serval that chose this lifestyle and they said chose.
  17. So you really thought a mature discussion would happen on this topic?

    Quite a few people who regularly comment in forums can't discuss a topic without being offensive somehow. This was eventually going to turn into a **** storm. That never fails to happen.

  18. There are many who have reported strong inclinations toward the same gender as far back as they can remember as well. Which would support being born that way. They feel they didn't "choose" to be gay. They just always were.
  19. ah so being hateful and offensive doesnt count as being hateful as long as ya make somethin up to justify it (giggle) dont worry all the hateful things you say but say ya dont will be our little secret (wink)

  20. Let's see if they stay gay with a pair of boobies bouncing over their face.


    Balls for women I guess
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