Let me dumb it down for you. You have a hole and a screw. Two screws won't fit together. Two holes won't fit together. Only a screw and a hole fit together.
We know people who differ from the "majority" oh heterosexual exist. However, we do not know that any deity or God exists in this world. But yet people will happily make those people who do not conform suffer, by taking away their right to be who they want to be. All this, just to appease something you don't know exists. Baffles me.
Some men are predisposed to liking voluptuous women. Some men are predisposed to liking athletic women. Some men are predisposed to liking men. As long as both are legally consenting adults, I don't see why there seems to be a problem.
I'd like to bring up a point. Why is everyone talking about non-heterosexual males? I mean cmon. You're 125% ok with Lesbians.
Its a byproduct of programming. Insecurity about what does not involve them. Males need to speak out to validate they r macho. Narrow minded ppl don't exercise freedom of thought.
For me, it became a problem when the LGBT community started persecuting anyone who disagrees with their agenda. People are publicly shamed, demonized, fired from their jobs and kicked out of schools for believing that homosexuality is wrong. I used to support gay rights, too, but they've just taken it way too far in the opposite direction where they're now doing to heterosexuals the same thing that we were doing to them. It's total hipocrisy.
That's the problem, I was a supporter. I always felt that as long as they didn't hurt anyone, they're no harm. But now look at them. They're ruthless tyrants. It's complete insanity where they've taken us.
There is definitely a reason why heterosexual couples do exist.. So they can produce more cute Gay offsprings lol
I don't have a prob with it just in rl stay at least 5-10ft from me or I will have a Anxiety Attack.. Fair warning the same goes for my sister's •_•
Wow, the ignorance on this thread is high - life is very simple, if it doesn't affect you why do you care? If you "hate" someone of a different sexual orientation and use arguments like "it's against nature" - "cure it" - etc - it is easy to see that you yourself must have questions about your own wants (hence - in the closet). I am happily married with two beautiful daughters - if one falls in love with a woman - good for her! Real love is a very rare commodity and should be nurtured not judged. Small minds - aka: short sighted weak people - judge others the way I have seen on this thread. Much ado about nothing in this whole argument. As bad as this will sound on a game of all ages - man, some of you need to grow up.
We all have our own opinions and are just as entitled to them as anyone else. People who lash out against others for not accepting something are just as guilty of not accepting those beliefs for what they are. Pretty hypocritical. lets everyone become gay and watch as humanity comes to an end because we feel it should be right. SCREW NATURE!!! Whatever. Gays can go on thinking they aren't sick and I'll go on thinking they are. I have the same right to my opinion as anyone does to theirs. I'm tired of being scrutinized for being "offensive" to gays for not accepting it. Well listen up sweet cheeks, your being gay offends me and everything I stand for. What makes your cause more noble than mine? Go ahead.......ill wait!
More noble a cause? Meh maybe on a good day You are entitled to your opinion,never said you weren't. My opinion is that - I am very glad there are fewer and fewer people with "your opinion", hate and ignorance out of ones own insecurities is a bad thing I truly hope that if you ever have children they don't "disappoint" you - that is the scariest thought of people that share "your opinion" and it never leads to anything good.
You are born a certain gender. Natural reproduction follows that you would have a partner of the opposite gender. Therefore it is considered heterosexuality is normal and anything contrary is not. Anything not following the norm has become alien and wrong in the eyes of the majority. Majority wins. Gays, lesbians and trannies go suck eggs