I work with a few homos. They are cool guys. I don't hang out with them. I don't exactly see things on the same level as them. But I believe that if Jesus could befriend all types of people, then so can I. It's not my job to judge them. Imo being a homo is no greater sin than doing your hot boss while your wife is at home caring for your kids. It's no worse than saying a curse word.
Yes. I believe that it may have to do with 'mother nature' correcting high birth rates. Nature always seems to correct itself in the end. I am no expert however do I could be entirely wrong.
Psychological disorders are not unique to humans. Animals are born with defects, too. Just because it occurs in nature doesn't prove that it's not a disorder.
Feminist = man/women that try to gain woman superiority. It's 2015 people...idc what you say women have equal rights if not more.
But it's not found at all in many parts of nature. So why does a disorder affect only certain species? And it's not like these are the highest up on the intellect scale. It's odd and unexplained.
Doesn't that mean you see all homos ( a derogatory term ) as sinners? And a friend once said " you don't know who you will fall in love with until you meet them" Procreation requires a man and a woman for a naturally conceived baby. But love is just a very strong feeling/ emotion. As long as people aren't forcing their views on anyone else, and not harming anyone else. What does it matter about their sexual orientation. That is their and their lovers business and no one else's. but we all know how much people judge others.
Yeah, he views homosexuality as a sin, but that also means he can just confess to a priest and all will be well in the holy land. Plus, the pope said that God forgives the atheists and I'm sure being gay can't be worse than being atheist in the eyes of God.
I love my friend that's a guy, but it's not the same kind of love, I believe some people struggle to determine the difference in these types of love. Everyone has their struggles.
Quick note befire I start watching Ash vs Evil Dead (which I would highly recommend) avoid personal insults and overly derogatory language and help keep the so far surprisingly smooth discussion going. Mods give it a while. Thanks for your patience.
The problem is that people who believe homosexuality is wrong ARE having values forced upon them. It's happening across the country. Anyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle is publicly shamed and even jailed, as was the case of one county clerk not too long ago. Having a dissenting opinion against homosexuality is no longer allowed. Students have been expelled from school for speaking out against homosexuality and people have lost their jobs. If that's not forcing an opinion on others, I really don't know what is.
I completely disagree with those types of incidents. That stuff alienates the alternate sexualities and heterosexual communities. As I have stated I believe in mutual respect. Compromise to keep the peace. Leaving for real now lmao.
I was intentionally referring to the love between two consenting adults. The love of family and friends is very different. I simply have no issue with people's sexuality as long as it causes no harm. But then many "straight perceived normal relationships are toxic". So true love as much as people are willing to accept should be free choice. You cannot force anyone to love a specific person or gender. I personally would discourage very young relationships. But saying that my grand parents had a very loving marriage and met in middle school and dated through high school. Now my niece is following that with her fiancée at 21. For them youthful love has worked. But generally I personally feel its better to have some age and wisdom ( experience and mistakes to judge ). The only questions that should matter though are do you want to do what's best for the other person? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with them? And do you want them to help raise your children if you are planning any, and especially if its an accident.
I know, but for the sake of his followers being happy, I take him into consideration when I say things. It's called being polite and tolerable. You should try it
Ppl not doing their job n place their values 1st deserve what happens. Church n State should be separated always.