
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 4, 2015.

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  1. People aren't born queer and I'm 100% against queer marriage. That being said if people want to do it then whatever, just don't do it around me. I could care less if I offend anybody. I don't like feminists either.
  2. I probably shouldn't have posted. I don't want to offend anyone
  3. Ok I didn't literally mean stop, maybe just slow down a bit. And people ignore how many children they can handle. My grandpa had 16 children total. He lived on a small farm in a remote village in Mexico xD.
  4. At least you had the guts to be honest about what you felt. Keep to your beliefs its your life afterall.
  5. Look at my wall. This is the definition of a homophobe
  6. I am sorry. I don't actually want to offend everyone... Just wanted to voice my opinion.
  7. Fair enough. However using derogatory terms (I frown upon non heterosexuals doing this also) is just silly. Like black people using the N word etc. Why do you disagree with gay marriage?
  8. I've learned to rise above people like that most of the time. Just accept that is their opinion as wring as it may be and attempt to be civil and explain the issue in a way they will understand.
  9. You say non-heterosexual. Is homosexual derogatory?

    I mean homosexuality is just the sciencey term. Derived from Latin roots.
  10. I don't mean to insult or offend you I just wanted to post my opinion. Don't take this the wrong way I just wanted to justify my beliefs
  11. Here's the truth.

    Homosexuality was removed from the DSM IV, not based on any research, but rather, the decision to remove it was based on political activism of a key member of the board of directors who oversaw the DSM at the time.

    Meanwhile, the psychological community has added countless new psychological disorders, ranging from attention, to anxiety disorders and everything in between.

    I'm not aware of any psychological disorder that has been removed from the DSM other than homosexuality.

    The circumstances surrounding its removal, coupled with the simple fact of human biological reproductive mechanics, lead me to believe that homosexuality is very much a psychological disorder.
  12. I am a bisexual. Bi means two or both. Homo means one or the same. Heterosexual is opposite genders. I am not using the term homosexual as it is very specific.
  13. You ain't a man till you've had a man!
  14. I wouldn't say it's derogatory more like slang. I'm against it because in my opinion kids need a positive family image in their life, being a mom and dad, to help them grow into healthy individuals.
  15. A feminist is simply someone who thinks men and women should be equal. You don't like anyone who believes that? Guess you don't like any self-respecting woman.
  16. I have a mum and a dad. (Split up) They work hard. They treat me well. I am in a grammar school surfing through the education system. I am a bisexual. Your point is?
  17. I've had a man, been there done that. I didn't feel any different afterwards.
  18. Feminists have made their image into something terrible.
  19. But cheese, homosexual behaviour is also found in many animals. Certain monkeys, (erm...)dolphins, and a few other too I believe. So perhaps it is a disorder, perhaps caused by a different chemical makeup, but it's odd the behaviour is not commonly found only in the human species.
  20. Actually, the feminist movement doesn't believe in equality. When they talk about "Non consensual sex Culture" they only share women's stories. No one talks about men having non consensual sex or the fact that a man almost always loses a custody case
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