Service Outage - 12/19/12

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. What is this about clan compensation?
  2. i dont want free xtals or eb pay outs etc or free mith just give me the bow item pretty please as xmas and all :) ps law admin these things happen. in real life you cant be blamed for power outage
  3. Thank you, Devs and Happy Holidays back atcha! 
  4. Uhm, what clan reward? Left clan to help another in trouble. Anyway, thanks for crystals 
  5. Affected for me ...
  6. Thanks for letting us know! I thought it was just my phone at first.
  7. I only wanted two things as compensation: kaw to be back on so I could play, And an explanation as to what happened. Both were given, so I'm happy!
  8. Ah the directors fees wasn't enough so they couldn't pay for backup power at the server farm. Oh well.
    The director is happy. We are not.
    KaW paid 2-4-1 as gave us 3 Xtals n wished us Merry Xmas.

    The start of poor standards. Not Standards n Poor's
  9. I was trying to access game in this 3 hours to finish our clams eb, but no you guys decide its fine to have no back up power...
  10. "hmm... what does this switch do?"
  11. I haven't got 3free xtals plz fix and also was 5hours but ill settle for 3.... No favouritism I would like plz
  12. Hi, Please check the haunting EB my clan was finishing up during that time range. I used 6 crystals and was in line for a huge payout but then the outage happened and the EB was not completed. I believe it is fair to ask for a payout from that EB? Thanks!
  13. I say give us mith or gold for it (^_^)
  14. 25 mith so can get paladin stuff plz