Serious question for Knightmare

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MR2, May 12, 2012.

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  1. Actually, as snow is the owner of this thread, if he asks you to leave, you need to leave. Unless he mentions you specifically, you can't post else you can be reported to mods/devs and forum banned or something like that. So, leave.
  2. Tbh he/she never specified who he/she wanted to leave... Soooo, true but invalid
  3. Actually, you can only request that someone leaves if they are going off topic, breaking the ToU, or cussing excessively.

  4. Knightmare, a man can be broken but not defeated. Don't surrender. Your broken, but not defeated til you admit it.
  5. think it's pretty clear, but to spell it our for the slow... i wish this thread to be open to members of the iG family and the Knightmare alliance... anyone who is not actively involved in this confilct is welcomed to read. No disrespect to anyone, but i don't want it overcome or sidetracked by trolls... this is a sincere question to their leaders (who i know have viewed this and not responded, you have allowed yourselves be seen).. this is not made to be a flamefest or anything negative, it is truly meant to be an open conversation so I may understand what you're trying to accomplish.

    If it's as -alison- said.. "fight to the last". what is the last? last ally? last pot? both are quickly approaching... then what? what is the point in continuing? what is your goal? again, not trying to show disrespect.. just trying to understand what you're after. Thank you very much for reading.
  6. @Snowdog, it's basically what Alison said. Also, this is the first time I've had fun on this game in a while. Knightmare's clan chat is active, and we're having a good time, even if we're loosing. The last time I had fun on this game was our osw with PE. I'm having fun and I made some new friends.
  7. Think of it this way, if you (iG) were getting creamed as they are would you swallow your pride and admit defeat or would you keep trying?
  8. I personally have utmost respect for Knightmare, keep on fighting
  9. I see a point. If all of them are totally potless and stripped they could continue. Its a matter of honor. Forfeit isn't an option some times. Knighmare, if you think you can handle being compleatly destroyed and fighting from a pin, do. Respect to you for not giving up yet.
  10. Dasch thats find bro. But your problem is this: How much longer can the rest of your clan hold on?

    We have not paid much attention to those below the top 20. Just been playing strip and pin on them. But we will strip everyone once we are done with the top guys. Those hiding allies will run out of mith. We are waiting.

    Even though the focus has just been on the top few, your clan is not as active anymore. Your guys pin on eb. Thats fine. But it also shows us who is still actively playing. 18 days ago you had about 30 every eb. Your last two had 10 and 14.

    I dont eb so I can understand if players would rather farm than hit ghosts. But we both know that your clan dont hit back much. They primarily self pin.

    Your numbers will keep shrinking (either due to runners or people who get frustrated at being farmed constantly and quit the game).

    Those who run will join other clans and perm.

    You can claim as much as you want that you guys are enjoying the war. But I can tell you from my experience farming cans that in 2 weeks, half of your clan will stop playing kaw. They will feel obligated to stay but frustrated because they are farmed daily.

    You guys need to decide if your pride or your clan is more important to you. Youve been given props for trying to stay in the fight.

    But you need to decide how much your clan and your clan mates are worth. And if your own feelings are more important than them.
  11. thank you for an honest response, i appreciate it.. may i ask what your goal is? what would represent victory in your eyes?
  12. @heart, I don't know. That's not my place to decide. It's a collective clan response, and as of right now the answer has been keep fighting. Most of us are enjoying it.
    @snowdog, I don't really have one in mind. Again, that's not my place to decide.
  13. So if your leaders decide to war until every single member is stripped clean and potless, you're cool with that? not disrespecting, just asking...
  14. Yea. You would do the same. It's not like it's the end of the the world if I war until I'm pitiless and ally less.
  15. Potless* hate autocorrect sometimes lol
  16. Hi snowdog,

    Thanks for opening this discussion.
    While my leaders are pondering at the next course of action, may I respectfully put your question back to you and ig?
    You guys are formidable, have enuff reserves to fund a allies lb takeover and are good and seasoned osw fighters. You protect your clanmates and never let them to be bullied, you fight back farm, perm pin and strip opponents all (and then drop the allies to lose 40%) off, burn their dp n steal them silly.

    Some have multiple accts and are all hcbc to achieve the above, What are your goals then?

    Some opponents are forced to reset even leave the game, others come up w small accts and resort to forum banter to keep their form of war with you guys, while ig carries on flying their flags high. What's the goal of that then?

    Knightmare was small to begin with compared to any 1 clan of ig not to say the whole family. We are ranked 285 or something. We are naked, potless, perm pinned and hitting from pin, changing build to spy n hiding our allies, but we are also chatting in cc, pm, over the wall, sharing jokes, making friends even from ur side.

    What's our goal? I dunno cuz we are still talking about it, but are we enjoying? Yes we are, cuz we may be weak in stats and all, we might concede in the end but currently, we are strong in mind, and also still flying knightmare flag high, even if it's at half mast.

    You wanna come over and join our small party here to find out for urself?
  17. thank you very much for your reply forthat, i have always appreciated, respected and appreciated your feedback. I wish naz or lex, who have read this but not responded, would do the same. Our goal is the same as all conflicts prior, farm until destroyed... I accept your invitation to join your clan, now the question is, will your clan accept me?
  18. This reminds me of cr talking trash and then them getting their ass kicked.
  19. Hey snowdog,

    Cool I really like your style, not now sorry, we planning something  I'll let you know when 
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